2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Yeah a Fox News personality reaching out to someone in Trump’s orbit with inside information that may help Trump and more importantly that person’s career and access to ultimate power is something that has never once happened.

I really thought there was a secret pact uncovered in emails between Hillary and Donna to conspire with the media to rig the election but it looks Clinton wasn’t even involved in any of this and it’s a total nothingburger?

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That was back when Trump was so on his game though. The fact that there was some truth to it meant that he could just fucking rawdog that chicken about CNN being in the tank for Hillary forever. And it was persuasive.

Now it sounds like Billy Crystal doing Ali and Howard Cosell.

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But what was I thinking before I thought I might need to rethink?

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In other words, meh. Time to start fretting again lol.

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46 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Science & Technology Thread

Say I have a sticker that looks something like this

I would like to place the sticker on a very public window I have 4 feet from a sidewalk. How can I edit the sticker with markers or whatever so it reads Harris/Walz or something similarly appropriate? The more trollish, the better.

Change the E to an O?

With a Blue marker and some scissors

You could turn the B into W.
The N into a Z
The D i to an L
And make the E into an A somehow
But doesn’t troll

I think that would troll if it looked decent but is above my skill level.

I’m thinking white out the Biden and draw WALZ in black marker.

Then I’d changed the E to an O


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Joint interview is a good idea. Kind of limits how serious/aggressive the interviewer can be. Should be fairly light hearted with a huge heaping spoon of Donny bashing.


Bit boring:



What exactly is the troll goal here?

Basically, Biden got dumped, but don’t care.


The nonpartisan group Cook Political Group shifted North Carolina’s presidential race to “toss up” from “lean Republican” as Vice President Harris narrows the gap with former President Trump.

“Despite the optimism and hype, [President] Biden was never able to keep this race [in North Carolina] close. By the time he dropped out of the race in late July, the president was trailing Trump by almost seven points,” Cook Editor-In-Chief Amy Walter wrote in an analysis Tuesday. “Today, however, the Tar Heel State looks more competitive than ever.”

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Would be funny if the end result of Republican rat fucking is the third party candidate is on the ballot on the states where he’ll draw the most from the Republican and off the ballot where he would have drawn the most from Democrats.


The Lincoln Project’s whole shtick has been to troll Trump until he… makes a mistake or something? It’s not a very smart play.

It is just a grift. A mildly satisfying one I guess.

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Of course this is correct. They put out ads calling Trump a baby cheeto and eDems rush out to ship them money. They spent money on ads in Times Square and somehow people didn’t catch on to their shtick.