2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)



Democrats sued the Georgia state election board on Monday, arguing that measures approved by the board this month seeking to alter the election certification process in the state were illegal and could create chaos on Election Day.

The lawsuit claims that the board intended to give local election officials a broad license to “hunt for purported election irregularities of any kind, potentially delaying certification and displacing longstanding (and court-supervised) processes for addressing fraud.”

The lawsuit was filed in state court by local election officials, political candidates, the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Party of Georgia with support from Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign. The move comes weeks after the state election board voted 3-2 to pass rules to give election officials authority to conduct “reasonable inquiry” into elections before certification and to require that county election officials be given “all election related documentation” before certification. Both rules, the lawsuit argues, create the impression that local election officials have discretionary power over certifying election results.

The political spotlight has pivoted back to Georgia in recent weeks, since President Biden withdrew from the presidential race and polls have shown Ms. Harris closing the gap with former President Donald J. Trump in the critical swing state. The increasingly close nature of the race there has thrust the actions of the state election board to center stage.

Members of the board who voted to pass the new rules said that they would not permit officials to ignore deadlines for certification set by state law. But the lawsuit notes that some local election officials in Georgia have already sought to delay or refuse certification, and that the new measures add to a legal uncertainty that undermines the entire election process across the state.





Especially since Dems need to be ahead by 3pts just to make up for the electoral college disadvantage (if I understand how it works correctly)

I wonder how #2 polls if its “retired Americans” instead.

Also just curious, if government should not do more to solve problems then who is, exactly? Jesus?

The anarcho-capitilist dudes thought it would be the church…



Man nothing makes me more viscerally hopeless about the human race than seeing these absolute shitbag senators like Scott and Cruz coast to reelection.


Looks like that Texas poll also just has Cruz +2. I do assume he wins just because it feels too silly to believe in upsets in some places, but he might have a sweat.


oh ok so Comrade Kamala is bad but Comrade Tulsi is good, actually?


Love seeing this dude shook. He’s lost control and he knows it.




It was kind of funny when he’d riff on one thing, but the MAGA universe has so much lore in it and Trump’s cadance is so verbose, that trying to convey any normal information takes a small paragraph of circumlocutory descriptions.


is this “they got the questions in advance” thing still about the complaint bill oreilly had that “biden knew what general subject areas they were going to ask about”??? Like, yeah, wow, it’s crazy that he figured out they were going to ask about covid and the economy, nobody could have seen those curveballs coming, what a cheater

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Donna Brazile leaked questions to Hillary in advance of a town hall during the 2016 primary. That’s what he’s on about. It’s a totally legitimate gripe generally from what I can tell, except that he makes it sound like it happened before an actual debate and also makes it sound like it happened during a general election when he was the opponent.


Brazile under siege after giving Clinton debate question

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Wow that’s so weird, it appears that Trump’s “legitimate gripe” about Clinton getting the questions in advance seems to actually just be Donna Brazile making stuff up in an email, but that email did include her saying they might ask her a question about the death penalty, to be fair.

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yeah but you’re forgetting that donna “Brazil” is black, so of course trump is entitled to assume she’s up to no good!