The Science & Technology Thread

Yes, I think you’re there! Sun or earth, whatever you want.

The shell theorem thing is basically just saying you can take a ball of stuff and replace it with a smaller ball of the same mass and nothing changes as far as gravity is concerned. You can make the ball as small as you want. Even a single point.


A collapsing star goes through a bunch of transitions before it collapses into a black hole and those transitions shed lots of mass/energy. It is very different from what happens if you were to create a tiny black hole on earth that then proceeds to swallow the entire earth.

Holy thread derail.



Is Trump’s anus a massive black hole?

To get into that boy’s hole.


I don’t wanna look this up. Why is that the case?

It might make more sense if it’s framed this way: a thin shell of uniform mass can be replace by a point mass. So imagine the Earth is just an infinite number of shells, they can all be replaced by a point mass. Which makes calculating the motion of all the planets way easier.

Probably because Uranus is so big (gas giant) and because gravity gets weaker the farther away you get from something. So even though there’s more mass, you’re so much farther away from most of it that the net pull is less.

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@moderators Can we extract black hole content to a black hole thread? While interesting, two months out from the election it probably would be better to keep this thread more strictly related to important relevant discussions.

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I think that was the exact point he made.


there obviously wouldn’t be any tides if the oceans all became part of the black hole, so I’m not sure what the issue is here, tides no longer existing does not seem like a bigger issue than me getting spaghettified (because I fell into the black hole)

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Cmon people. Everyone knows as you approach the center of the earth, the gravitational force actually pulls you up.

At least according to the Monsterverse. That’s just science.

Like econ said, Uranus is big and gassy.

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I enjoyed the discussion but I woke up with a headache. I should just go back to drinking.

No personal attacks please

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We were talking about impacts on the moon and solar system. A black hole forming on earth would definitely suck for everything alive. Luckily it doesn’t seem to be possible to create a small black hole. There are some limits on minimal size so this was all nonsense while I was travelling.

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