2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Love me some Kennedy.

Yeah I don’t get it. Either they really believe Biden wants back in, in which case they’re batshit insane. Or somehow this is red meat for the base, which I don’t see at all.

What if it comes out the eDems planned this all along? Let Biden take all the bullets and flung poo for 4 years and the bulk of the 2020 race. Then just after the R convention, have him step down and steal all Trump’s thunder.

I’m sure it didn’t happen this way. But just imagine if it comes out in a book that it did. The greatest politics switcheroo of all time.


That’s a bridge too far even for Aaron Sorkin dude.


I’ve had one argument with him in real time and his best effort was to bring up a 40 year old program that did more harm than good to the poors. It is the same with other arguments he has, I don’t find him to argue in good faith and he likes to troll the people he argues with. I’m not sure he is adding anything to the forum.


it’s copium



I wouldn’t put it past Joe, Nancy, Barack, and Kamala that once he decided to drop out they chose to delay that until after the RNC and not tell anybody, even knowing the negative attention it brought on Biden. one thing we’ve always said on this board is that Joe is a master of political timing and his dropping out was done at the right time, maybe not a coincidence.

I don’t believe for a second he had any plans to drop out pre-debate.

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Barack and Nancy seem like the only two competent political operators in the party, not sure where they’ve been since 2015 but well done here, may legit save the country.

Lots more details on the latest Marquette poll here


Numbers confirm that JD sucks

“Tampon Tim to stop the red wave!”


They have a ton of unused Biden material and are desperate to use it.

Tim Walz just gave you a 10lb bag of sugar because he borrowed a cup of yours 2 days ago. pic.twitter.com/773IKS7LTm

— Mrs. Butters 🥧 (@MrsButters) August 7, 2024

More like this in the replies.


I made my first meme !

It seemed funnier when I thought of it




Let’s pretend Trump had perfect information that Biden was dropping out and a Harris/Walz ticket would be running against him.

Would Trump have selected a different VP for his ticket to improve his chances?

When Trump answers questions about Vance with “historically the VP choice doesn’t matter,” that’s as close as he’s going to come to admitting that yes, he wishes he would have done otherwise.


Discovering the last paragraph of that was worth the rest of the read.

For those interested, the podcast interview this came from (New Yorker Radio Hour) is a good listen. (Both this particular episode and in general.)

[Duh, I didn’t realize it’s actually embedded in the article.]
