2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

owning the disney execs might have been called a policy within his political committee, but taking on the special district debt was likely not in the plan. hence, my stance

stop shifting the wonkness overton window!

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Trump’s VP is for Tulsi or Nikki or Sheriff Joe—a fringe contender for 2028.

It’s this. Governor Fuckface in Virginia is another recent example of that.

I think we basically agree.

VP’s rarely advance to the Presidency

15/49 have so not a terrible ratio

as a republican, ghwb and before that ford and nixon? oof

Only six were actually elected there, though. And three of them were among the first eight presidents.

Starting as Trump’s VP in 2024 you’ve gotta have at least 10 points of death equity. Plus maybe like 2 points of SSC/WGH equity. And perhaps 5 more points that Trump manages to get a third term and then dies.

And if you’ve got a 1/4 shot on top of that to win a 2028 election, you’re almost a coin flip to be prez at some point.

maybe take this stuff to a 2024 republican primary thread

Any kind @moderators around to move the last 15 hours of posts (back to aroud the “DESANTIS DELIVERS” post)?

The first two were truly different since they were elected to VP on their own strengths, and two more had to let some time pass before they made it on their own. That leaves just Bush Sr and Van Buren running and winning as VP’s from someone else’s ticket. It’s usually a politically impotent position where you get shared blame for everything negative and little credit for anything positive. It’s definitely like this under Trump. It might be worth the death equity but if DeSantis wants to make his own run in 2028 he should wait it out in FL.


Can’t tell is this is sarcasm or not


Although he probably wins in 2016 if he tries, so if you want to include him as the 3rd VP to jump straight from VP → POTUS that’s fair.

The second. Like right after Obama was elected a bunch of us were predicting the end of the Republican Party if they didn’t do something to become more inclusive of changing demographics. Instead the doubled and tripled down and their hold on the political systems local and National has only gotten stronger. I think there might be some theoretical things Trump could do that could fuck it up for the party, but they are so outlandish as to be basically impossible. Like, he could embrace BLM, come out as trans and marry a black feminist and I think that would really do a number on the party such that their voters might be scattered for an election cycle or two. But that shit ain’t happening. Conservatives/reactionaries have a rigged system, not just systemically because of our stupid government structure, but also psychologically they tap into very basic human emotions, fear of others and outrage. It has always been an uphill battle, social media and the immense amount of funding from Koch/Mercer types only makes it worse.


Yup I mean they get to literally invent issues out of thin air, speak them into canon, and run on them. On top of a systemic advantage.

I hear ya, but much of the potentially monumental fuck-ups I was thinking of were along the level of economy, not culture wars. Like four years where they really back up the truck and throw the $$ on, wealth inequality gets an order of magnitude worse, gas is $8/gallon, literally every middle/working class person is worse off than four years earlier, and they know it.

And of course to get the nom, DeSantis would still have to kiss the ring and say everything Trump did is perfect policy, so it’s not like he gets to distance himself that much and present himself as the sane alternative.