2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

They did become more inclusive. They’ve got Hispanic White Supremacists now.


it doesn’t matter. he’s literally only catering to early-state primary voters, none of them are going to get fucked by tax hikes or debt transfers or any of that egghead nerd shit

how would they know this and even if they did why wouldn’t they just blame democrats? everything bad is fake news and fox isn’t going to tell them its republicans fault.

He has to stay loveable to crazies at least until he wins re-election for pres. Those are who will carry him to victory. I suppose at that point he could do what he wants, but I don’t see him turning in to Mitt at that point although it would be safe to do so then.

Zero chance he taps Ivanka for VP. He knows she’d have him assassinated within hours of being sworn in.



Not to mention that it was a boatload of garden-variety Republicans that splintered the support and allowed Trump to rise to prominence in the first place. A one-on-one matchup has a much better chance of success if they really want to be rid of Trump.

Larry Hogan is gonna get ejected from a Republican Primary faster than Jeb!

Man this Desantis / Trump battle is going to be so good. I haven’t seen anything from Desantis to think he knows how to punch back yet but he will have every establishment resource behind him.

You absolutely can’t run against trump while trying to say you support him and surely he’s smart enough to know that.

Thank him for his service and say you agree with him a lot, but point out he’s almost as old as Biden and he needs to pass the torch.

I don’t know anything about DeSantis but just assume Trump will dispatch him if hilarious fashion.


The trick is to somehow find a way to make his attacks seem pathetic instead of funny. Little Marco and Low Energy Jeb were legitimately funny! It’s not an easy thing to do.

I’m starting to wonder if DeSantis has the patience to wait. If he knows Trump will damage him even if he wins the nomination, he could wait, finish his governor’s term in 2026 and then focus 100% on his presidential campaign.

It seems unlikely, but it might be his best path to the presidency.

No, you have to strike when you’re hot. This is his best chance. He will never have full support from the establishment again. And less shit to attack him on while relatively young.

If so then he’s got to go with crediting Trump for the movement and run on “I’m the guy to get it over the finish line. Trump gets rallies, I get results.”

He’s got to sandwich his attacks in compliments. Trump will run on “I created you, I’m the real deal, you’re a two bit carnival barker.”

Vineyard Ron!

Yeah I’m amassing all the popcorn for this. GOP’s options are:

  1. Roll with Trump, which given the midterms seems iffy.
  2. Put DeSantis up head to head, which risks Trump eating him for breakfast and permanently damaging him.
  3. Make a deal with Trump to step aside, which he will use to constantly blackmail them.
  4. Trump gets a case of Kremlin Windowitis. If they could off Trump and pin it on the ANTIFAs it checks all the boxes.

The GOP strategy is to tear down Biden so that it doesn’t matter what Republicans do.
