2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Trump will just call him gay voice Ron and that’ll be that


How well has that worked so far?

I mentioned to my son that I thought DeSantis had an effeminate voice. He hadn’t noticed but also said he can’t listen to him.

I mean, the whole “your personal life is disqualifying” attack is going to fall flat coming from Donald Fucking Trump.

Not if DeSantis is gay or has some unusual kink.

Hypocrisy has never stopped him before!

And because it’s always, always, projection, I predict he is alleging that DeSantis has a micropenis.


fake or onion

So, would DeSantis be in better position to run in 2028? He’d have to run as “Former Governor” unless he runs for Congress or something. Seems like his time is now, and he better figure out how to out-Trump Trump. He’s pretty stiff and I haven’t seen him offer much of anything in terms of a relatable personality.

That’s the gamble, God only knows what the environment will be like in 2028. But entering the Trump Quicksand? Many have tried, leaving permanently damaged, or never to be heard from again!

He’s already in it.

No one who’s ambitious enough to want to be president is going to wait four years to take a swing.

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who is going to fill out the primary? cruz and rubio seem like perennials. abbot and youngkin are clearly going into it to at least earn some scratch.

Whatcha gonna do when Hoganmania runs wild on YOU?

All of them. Whatever sticks. Truth is not a concern.

Like pee kink?

He is trans

I think it’s a valid consideration for him. Let’s say he doesn’t run, I would assume the primary ends up being Trump vs Romney or something like that. Trump is a massive favorite, then he loses the general.

The whole party looks to DeSantis at that point, right? Who’s going to beat him? Abbott? Kemp? No way. Vance, maybe?

He’s got to be a big favorite in the next primary, and if Trump loses he gets to triangulate a more moderate position before 2028.

I don’t think it’s as obvious as some think that he should go now. I mean, sure, strike while the iron is hot and all, but he better have a plan for beating Trump AND getting the wholehearted Trump endorsement after.

Trump attacking DeSantis for an affair would absolutely work. Much of his success is from being funny and this would be hilarious. Trump is immune from hipocrisy.