2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

I think we’re gonna see some guys try to run without being anti-Trump or pissing off the MAGA chuds. It’s not going to work.

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He had a black friend when he was younger

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Ds should be finding someone named Donald J Trump or get some to change their name now to run 3rd party if Desantis is the nominee. And find/make a Ron Desantis if Trump is the nominee.




True story: My best friend in high school was black. We were inseparable and alternated being matches and gasoline. Fun times.

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They could even do it like the bootleggers making Folex watches.

Doneld J. Trvmp

Rom DeSontis

Let the olds who forget their glasses fuck it up.


Hey I wear reading glasses and I’m n


He could primary Rick Scott, and side step the Trump issue while still advancing his political career and staying relevant.

That’s not the LetThemFight.jpg that I’m looking for, but I’ll take it.

The more I think about it, once all these races are called, there is no politician I’ll be pulling harder for than Trump. He needs to win the primary. That is our only shot. I’m not only rooting for him to run in 2024. But I’m rooting for him to run again in 2028 after losing the '24 general.

Yeah, I know, careful what you wish for and all. Nevertheless, I’m convinced it is our best shot.


based on the performance of the crazy nutjobs that the Dems helped win their primaries, I’d have to agree with you…

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+1 plus even if he wins he’s less competent than DeSantis.

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Hillary hacked your account and invented a time machine to post from 2016


The more I think about this, the smarter it is for Trump to announce early. It helps him in his legal messes, which I’ll ignore for now.

What’s DeSantis going to do, stop running Florida and move to the campaign trail? Trump can start holding rallies in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada next week. He can raise money the whole time, and start running ads whenever he wants. He has 15 months before the primaries, and probably a 3 month head start on DeSantis.

He might be able to build a lead in the early states and put DeSantis on the defensive before he even declares.

Once he declares, does he stop being able to pocket money from holding rallies and has to shovel that into his campaign?

Legally, perhaps? I’m not sure. Realistically, he’ll just take it anyway.

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Has anyone actually played this out- what exactly is DeSantis’s path to the nomination if Trump is still there? They still have primaries, yes? If his value proposition is that he is the next-gen Trump, how does that even work when Trump is still running? Is DeSantis actually going to campaign in blackface?

This all sounds genuinely implausible.

He’s going to promise to double everyone’s home value just like he did in Florida bc if he can do it there he can do it in Washington. Or something

Could dems do the same with Trump? Or is that too majorly tapping the glass?