2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Didn’t have this guy on my bingo card:

President John Bolton. Zero chance the human race would actually survive that.

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OH senate primary contender appears



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Portman is clearly having a laugh.

That was obvious even before he added the last line about “wishful thinking”.

Not sure if Coppins is that dumb or also having a laugh.

Meanwhile, on the other side…


I’m over 40 and most of the Democratic party is still just nostalgic to repeat one of the two Democratic presidencies of my lifetime.

They actively shit on actual good candidates. By the time it’s your turn you’ve sold your soul.

Who the hell is answering Harris in a poll like that? It’s the equivalent of Pence on the other side.

I refuse to believe that these people exist.

I imagine there is a fairly sizable block of African-American women that are mashing the Kamala button.

She was, in fact, that little girl.

The Michelle Obama/Kamala Harris block is basically people voting for them because black women.

I mean it’s a better reason than a lot of people have for voting for who they choose but at this point that’s really it.

Why the hell would Michelle even run? She’s a TV/movie producer/podcast host. That’s a dream job. I mean what next? Might as well say you’d vote for the Chapo guys.

But she went to work directly for the evil old man who tried to keep her out of that school.

I’m pretty sure polls at this point are just Presidential Family Feud, “name one national Dem politician you can think of” and people just blurt out the first name that comes to mind.



That’s not how polling design works.

Good answer


In New Hampshire?

Still, for a lot of people it’s “who do I recognize off this list”. Don’t forget, a huge chunk of people don’t pay enough attention to politics to be able to name even one other Democrat that ran in the 2020 primary. I’m sure there are people that see Buttigieg’s name and their first reaction is like “that’s not even a real person, they’re just fucking with me”.

Obviously if the pool they’re pulling from is registered Dems who actually have voted in primaries or something, it’s a whole different story, but if it’s randos then you’re always gonna see it massively skewed toward the incumbent.

Early polling is often an exercise in name recognition. Buttigieg tied for the most delegates in New Hampshire in 2020, so he should have good name ID in the state, but he’s polling at less than he than he got in the primary.




Is Scott Walker gonna throw his hat back in the ring?