2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

I’m looking forward to the business owner candidates that have actually RUN SOMETHING before.

Herman Cain and the like.



So, I can see this playing out similarly to 2016. A boatload of Republicans decide to run for President. They fragment the vote of the so-called “mainstream” of the party, and the outlier, Donald Trump, cruises to the Republican nomination. It’s a little different this time because Trump could be considered the mainstream now, while the “normal” Republicans are the outliers. The Democratic Presidential race had similar characteristics. The Democrats however quickly rallied around the leading mainstreamer and nominated Biden. We’ll see if Republicans decide to consolidate anti-Trump support around one person and who would that person be?

I think these clown car candidates like Haley and Pompeo will get literally 0%. The “not trump” wing is completely united behind DeSantis. All the casual fan GOPers I know are passionately on board. Who the fuck is voting for Nikki Haley? Find me that person.

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There will be campaigning and debates and primaries and blah blah to introduce the candidates to the electorate and they may combine for some small fraction of support. But agree that its odd these folks can’t really read the room. Maybe the also-rans need the "process’ to be able to mobilize behind DeSantis rather than just jumping on his bandwagon from the start.

The voters or the candidates? For the candidates it’s all about the grift.


Oh man I remember the “A” and “B” stages with people like Bobby Jindal and Michelle Bachmann sadly trying their best.


They’re just trying to set up future grifts.

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The only logical progression:

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Only if dear Donny is dead or incapacitated.

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I was going to respond with almost exactly this.

A whole genre of conservative punditry in the MSM ostensibly exists to reassure liberals that It’s Not That Bad. Nikki Haley is its patron saint.


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There is some pedophilia related dirt on Trump if a rival elected to go that way.

Yeah, but Slick Willy Clinton flew on Epstein’s plane.

Chessmate libtard