2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Trump did almost bupkis from an actual legislation perspective. Getting up and talking a big game matters far more to the cult, and I don’t think DeSantis has that.

DeSantis is going to be the next president.

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After trump.

Nah, I’m with Riverman. DeSantis is more savvy and hungry than Trump is; I 100% see him winning the primary. Look how he’s always signing bills targeting the latest trending culture war derp.

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Wait until trump gives him a nickname and says his dad was involved in the MLK assassination, and makes fun of his weird Italian last name, or some shit. Trump will absolutely bulldoze Desantis in the court of maga opinion. Remember when Cruz was the dipshits favorite before trump? And then Trump posted the meme of his wife, and said his dad was involved in the JFK assassination and absolutely devoured his soul.


I doubt Desantis wants to take the high variance route of challenging trump when he can wait four years and be a lock.


It’s all personality stuff and DeSantis is a dead fish. That he executes well is worthless and possibly even a detriment in the Republican party.

He has no chance.

The real thing to fear is if they can scrounge up a more personable Candace Owens who will also troll and be shitty and lie to everyone’s face. That’s the Terminator.

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He polling second so he’s the best out of the losers, but he’s polling way behind Trump 15% to over 50% if I remember correctly, so it’s Trump’s nomination to lose right now.

Polling this early is literally just name recognition. A week of him on front of cameras is a death sentence.

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The base doesn’t care about policy. DeSantis is a policy wonk.

The base wants a strong man to yell at libs and scream at rallies. That is very much not DeSantis.

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DeSantis would have a chance if it were a cult of no personality.


That makes him Donnie Dumb Dumb’s ideal VP. Remember when Trump tried to get John Kasich to be his VP nominee with the idea that Kasich’s portfolio would be “foreign and domestic affairs”? DeSantis would love that job, just writing all the actual Handmaid’s Tale legislation while Trump does rallies and visits golf courses and stuff. DeSantis would be crazy not to take that job, he could seize the post-Trump fascist state and be a modern Mussolini.

I can see this.

Way too risky to work in Trump’s admin. It’s either stay govenor and wait or dethrone.

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Yeah there is a lot of risk because Trump is petty and insecure and loves to put people in positions where they need to beg for his approval. Pence tried the approach of doing basically nothing except sucking up to Trump constantly and he almost got hanged for it.

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You guys are underestimating his appeal.

The critical characteristic isn’t charisma, it is making libs mad.

Trump has lost a huge chunk of suburban voters forever. Desantis wins them all back.

The delicate part is beating Trump. He’s smart enough to know if Trump wins 2024 it could easily be Ivanka next. I think there’s a lane for “grandpa has lost his fastball,” but it’s definitely not an easy needle to thread.

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DeSantis is constantly hammering away at whatever Fox News talking point is circulating. He’s more of a COVIDiot than Trump. Only weak point is he’s not great as a speaker.

It’s Trump’s if he wants it. The party is his. Desantis is a loser

The appeal has been charisma since Reagan.

It’s not just owning the libs, it’s enjoying watching it. Owning them while being a dead fish takes the fun out of it.

It’s the irl version of doomscrolling until you find something that echoes your preexisting beliefs that you find entertaining.

As a top of ticket guy, DeSantis is a non-issue and probably preferable.

As a VP what actual power do you have on paper? Nothing. Which wouldn’t be so bad if you had a cohesive strong political party where the political party could assure that you’re going to be the next nominee through getting you through the right channels, but an entertain-o-sphere environment where owning the libs gets you on Fox News and getting on Fox News gets you eyeballs which gets you votes the VP position is a huge gamble. If the President wants to sideline you they 100% can.

As a governor you have executive power over people to punish the libs and a legislature where you can push legislation to drum up coverage.