2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Reading more about this, Carlson’s stepmother has four siblings. So the vast (???) TV dinner fortune is already split four ways and then Tucker has a brother. Does she have any of your own kids? Would she leave Tucker anything knowing he’s a total asshole who makes like ten million bucks a year? Seems dubious if you ask me.

Anyway, imagine being Tucker’s step sibling and sharing some of your inheritance with him. Would suck bigly.

Stepmom could have paid that just to get him the fuck away from her. I know I would.

He also went to a private grade school in San Diego County that is currently in the $30k-40k range.

Well, she can’t send her stepson to a public school. That’s what the proles do and she can’t have others thinking she is one of them. She has a reputation to maintain, you know.

This is how I feel. The entire essence of Trump even as understood by reasonable people is what made him electable in ways that other Republicans weren’t.

He was a supposed multi-billionaire who likely was only worth a couple hundred million. How absurd does it seem now that people (myself and probably others here) thought that could be held against him?

This whole competition has the feel of which fat guy is going to win an 800m race. It’s not going to be pretty and the end result will likely be weird.

The thing that Trump has that a lot of these other schmucks don’t is charisma. Like it or not, tons of us in the early run were paying attention to what he would say next. Certainly the media gave him a ton of free attention for doing so.

I don’t think Josh Hawley giving a boring speech in Bessemer, AL running down AM Radio’s greatest hits is going to draw the same type of rapt attention.

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Yeah. Like Trump’s early primary campaign consisted of him standing at a podium reading the Failing New York Times with his ongoing commentary. No other candidate could pull something like that off.

Actually, Carlson probably could. I really don’t think he’s running though.

I started looking for sources for the obviously bullshit claim that little Marco ever ran a 4.7 40, and found this amazing article about the scam college he went to for a year after posting a 2.1 high school GPA.


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Not Onion:

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These Onion articles sure do make me giggle!

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Omg lol at thinking any of trumps voters give a flying fuck about any of this

Although the GOP remains Trump’s party, those around Pence see his distinctions from Trump as an asset.

Pence’s forward-looking approach and emphasis on party unity, they hope, will in time look better to Republican voters than Trump’s vindictiveness and refusal to rise to the moment.

Last weekend, one person close to Pence noted, Trump met briefly with police and firefighters in New York – skipping the official commemorations of the 20th anniversary of 9/11 attended by other former presidents. Trump then spent that evening calling a series of pay-per-view boxing matches in Florida.

Aides pointed to a different schedule for Pence, starting with a rededication of Indiana’s 9/11 memorial. The same weekend, Pence met with the family of Daegan Page, a Marine who was one of the 13 US service members who died in a bombing during the withdrawal from Afghanistan, during a trip to Omaha.

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I totally agree with you but one thing that we see every Presidential election cycle is consultants lying their asses off to potential candidates about their chances of winning. Consultants will try to convince the person to run because the consultants only make money if the person runs. When they say “those around Pence see his distinctions from Trump as an asset”, they are referring to Pence’s political consulting team that tells literally everyone that can pay their consulting bills that all their attributes are “assets”. It’s a damned lucrative gig to make your money convincing narcissists that the public really truly loves them. Then when that person gets 3% of the vote in Iowa (if they even make it that far) the consultants pack up their laptops and make a list of candidates / marks for the next time.



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I’m actually kind of impressed. The guy can have the Florida legislature spit out his culture war legislation in days. Repeatedly.

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I think he can beat Trump in a primary. He’s so fucking good at this.


Not a chance.

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