2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Almost no chance anyone ever sees Trump in a walker (or worse). Can see situations where he only appears in video or hologram form.

I think maga votes for him if he’s a comatose zombie hooked up to life support machines in jail

Foul, hollow, rotten beings

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I think Haley’s only shot is to stay the non-Trump option.

If Trump dies, it’s going to be a wild scramble to pick the next nominee. Her only hope is that she gets no viable challenges from other “moderates” while the Trump support is split between the huge pool of Trump-sycophants that will vie to be his successor to the MAGA movement.

If she were to drop out and embrace Trump, even if in return he named her VP, I don’t think in a post-Trump world, she’d have any chance to grab the nominee.


Everyone in politics is super corrupt. Her backers can probably just buy/wrangle whatever she needs to wrap it up if Trump can’t run.


If 10% of the Hayley voters stay home he’s got little chance in the swing states. The margins are just too small.

If you’re suggesting Haley winning a brokered convention, you still need to win 50%, not just a plurality. Trump supporters being split just means you have multiple rounds of voting while non-Haley votes consolidate around a compromise. Her only hope is if the delegate pool is disproportionately non-Trumpy, otherwise her support will be capped at somewhere well below 50%.

The Republicans don’t have to be good to win, they just need to beat the Dems.

Her donors will just buy the votes.


Maybe - but if she’s at like 30-40%, it makes it a lot easier to make some quick deals to win over enough delegates to get to 50% before they can coalesce around a Trump acolyte.

She has 20 out of 139 awarded delegates so far.



What happens if Haley drops out of the race? Do Republicans still get to vote „No“ on Donald Trump or does Trump automatically get awarded the delegates, if he is the only candidate running?

Seems like it would be kind of a bad look if he ran unopposed and still got below 80%…

The primaries will still be held (some really random local candidates run in specific states + there are often down ballot races for other offices that need to happen at the same time). So, you could register disapproval by voting for other offices but leaving President blank.
Also, depending on filing/printing deadlines, some of the candidates that have dropped out might still be on the ballot, so you could vote for one of them.

[A lot of the later primaries are winner take all though, so only one person would get delegates, no matter how many votes other candidates receive]

Haley won the most recent primary with nearly double the votes, turning the moment around just before Super Tuesday.



Love this teaser

Spoiler: the woman would vote for Trump with a mouth full of vomit. But another woman would vote for Biden without vomit.