2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out



The folks who ran against Biden in SC got smoked, Trump is the undeclared 2nd coming of Christ to the Republicans and he can only win by 30 points?

How easy is it for Democrats to vote in the R primary in South Carolina?

right, that’s what I’m saying, if it’s some sort of physical event that “takes him out” of the race, being “not trump” doesn’t seem to be much of an asset. being “not trump” is only valuable if Trump is taken out by some sort of bombshell that discredits him and his policies (which seems impossible at this point)

I agree, I just got excited about something taking him out.


Haley isn’t going to be the nominee even if a cheeseburger takes him out.


Yeah the only hope for the anti-Trump GOP path is that he loses and the party eventually moves on from him/Trumpism. And gooooood luck with that Nikki.

Hard to see the party go back to traditional GOP politics after Trump kicks off. You can’t satisfy voters with Haley after eight years of mainlining Trump.

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It’s hard to see the party surviving Trump period. He hasn’t won anything since 2016. It’s insane people still think he’s a winner and not someone who destroys everything he ever touches

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It seems like her logic is that if Trump dies she already has a bunch of delegates so she only needs to swing x number of the Trump delegates… ?

Alex Jones seems like a realistic replacement. Perhaps Matt Gaetz.



They have the House of Representatives right now. Barring a massive upset, they’re getting the Senate next year.

Trump is about a coin flip away from being president again. Without the abortion ruling, he’d be a favorite.

How about we have at least two cycles (and preferably 3) of the GOP getting slaughtered before we proclaim “the tragic death of the Republican party”?


18, 20, 22 gop underperformed by a lot. they are obviously not dead, and it can easily reverse again, but come on, being strapped to trmp since 16 is the most obvious big problem for a party

call me a cynic or a pessimist or whatever. but almost every single one of those “never trumpers” are pulling that red lever in november. 50% of Hailey voters won’t vote Trump… bullshit… they are all voting trump because they hate the libs more than they care about anything else in their lives.


Maybe I’m looking at the math wrong, but Haley just got 40% of the vote last night. That means almost half the people in his own party don’t support him as essentially the incumbent. Will they support him in the general? Some will, but many won’t

They were supposed to get the house and senate in 2022, right? My point is, they’ve been consistently losing and/or under performing since 2016

By like 2 seats. They had a huge majority trifecta in 2017 and passed the TCJA and fuck-all else, I don’t see them getting much done even if they win bigly this year.

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This, or if he gets convicted

One wonders if there is a sufficiently traumatic non-fatal health event that would take Trump out of the race. What if he is rendered mute and immobile from some huge stroke or something - will he stay the GOP standard bearer?

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i think he won’t leave willingly, but if something happened to make him look objectively physically weak, like he had to use a walker or something the sharks would maybe come out. the republicans are all cowards so they couldn’t attack him until he’s physically unable to defend himself.

so much of his brand is built on this fake alpha persona that i don’t think he’d survive a physical ailment