2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Trump not doing great with college educated/women suggests to me that the election is going to look a lot like the last election vs Biden if it was held next week…


Big Yas Queen Energy


Wth, did he put on like 50 pounds in a month?


Most of the gains Trump has supposedly been making on Biden have been from Hispanic/Black/lower/working class voters, if Trump has a path to victory its going to be from narrowing the gap among those groups, college educated voters have been trending Dem for a while now I don’t expect that trend to change anytime soon

Girl, he doesn’t have time for that.

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AP calls South Carolina for Trump the instant the polls closed.

Must be a blowout.

Seems to be so far

Will she stick around for Michigan on Tuesday?

ETA: Should’ve refreshed the NYTimes results page to see Haley’s comments

She’s come a long way since polling at 1%. Another 15 years until the primaries and I think she would have had it.


Oof, that is not how you’d like to win south carolina.


3-2 win seems pretty bad for Trump.

She was a two-term governor of that state…

Nevertheless, she outperformed my expectations. Maybe they were unrealistic, but I thought she would do even worse.

My point was she got smoked

Agreed. I was just saying that my expectations were so low that she managed to exceed them.

This was her Biden 2020 moment and while she didn’t ‘embarrass’ herself it was bad lol

Looking at those numbers gives me the sense that this whole race could come down to whether Haley does a hard pivot toward full Trump endorsement or she plays it more neutral.

She’s not running for veep with recent “heel” turn, so she should play it at best neutral if not somewhat hostile to Trump. Really betting it all on being not-Trump should something take him out (like a piece of burnt steak).

what could possibly take him out at this point? the only thing seems like literally getting run over by a golf cart, in which case, being not-trump isn’t really of notable value