2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Will Republican voters vote for the Republican candidate? I’m just dying to learn!


CNN putting in work



Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 10.59.12 AM

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that really is amazing

Dis the super Tuesday thread? Voted by mail in CA today.

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After today we can all stop pretending Nikki Haley will ever be a thing, right?

She’s a thing in Vermont.

good call though

Haley strong in the key battlegrounds of checks notes DC and Vermont

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“Not Trump” is a thing in Vermont.

Have two things about the primaries today.

First, as people pearl clutch about Schiff spending money to boost Garvey, the numbers make it clear that Garvey was a shoo-in for second even if Schiff never mentioned his name. It’s a non-story that is also completely irrelevant, other than Schiff wasting money, but that’s the fault of people who donated to him instead of a candidate who needed it more.

Second, I fear I do not understand the CA ballot for Senate and haven’t yet seen clarification. My ballot had both CA races on it to my surprise, the normal 6 year and one for the remainder of Feinstein’s term. I did not know if one person could win both or the consequences if they do. So, I voted Porter for one and Schiff for the other. Will there be two senate races on the ballot in November and who will be the candidates? Will it be Schiff and Garvey, and whoever wins one can’t win the other? That cannot be the case, but I haven’t seen it discussed.

Ok, this is the story: one vote is for a two-month term after Nov., so they do not overlap. https://wapo.st/3uVyYm2

Schiff explains it here. 2024 Primary Voting Guide - Adam Schiff for Senate

Waaay too confusing.


My understanding is obviously there should only be one vote, but it is unconstitutional to elect someone to a 6.25 year senate term. Obviously, Newsom’s interim appointment should just stay as senator until January. However, California election rules mandate an election to replace the interim senator even if it will only be for a month and a half. So, there will be two votes on the ballot, both between Schiff and Garvey.

Multiple old people I know were confused and thought that they couldn’t vote for the same person twice.

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Lock it up




That’s not even a real state.


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WaPost doing some incredible investigative journalism:

Spoiler alert, they’re all pretty much this: