2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out


NYT says 70%. That’s an ass-kicking*.

*<1% in and that’s enough to call it? Ok, whatever.

I’ve been assured that’s the lowest win total for anyone that is or was previously president.

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More huge percentages.


You might call them a basket of deplorables.


the power of an extreme work ethic is strong, i agree. but it’s nothing compared to the power of “what if this guy does another 9/11 on us”


Rama-scam-y out.

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Only 51% of the vote? This shit needs to be heads up.




For most Desantis voters Trump is their second choice. It’s not clear Trump could do any worse than about 75% in a HU race at this point. It’s over. The only justification for staying in the race at this point is “maybe Trump dies and I win by default.”

i think haley needs to drop to make it interesting.

It wouldn’t be interesting. Meatball would get crushed in just about every (if not literally every) state.

Yep. If voters have the choice between Trump and Caffeine-Free Diet Trump why would they choose the latter?

I think Haley is going to hold out. She’s up on Desantis in New Hampshire and South Carolina isn’t too far away, so I think she’s going to try to beat Desantis in New Hampshire and South Carolina (and maybe the Nevada primary while ignoring the caucus results) and hope he drops.

She’s going to win the Nevada primary because all the other candidates are in the caucus and she’s not. And she’s going to pretend that means something and spin a narrative about her chances.

Agree. Spin “the narrative” while ignoring the fact that the narrative is worth precisely 0.0 delegates

Nevada doesn’t have very many delegates and it’s not winner take all. The 5-10 delegates she’s missing out on (she got 8 out of 40 in Iowa and Nevada has only 30) can probably be made up elsewhere if she wins the media battle.

Her best shot is probably to get it heads up and to get Trump so apoplectic about being challenged by someone who is both non-white and non-male that he has a fatal heart attack and she wins by default. (Not realizing that the party will pick someone else at the convention because she is non-white and non-male.)



Just another masochist