2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

The only one who fucked up in NV seems to be Nikki Haley. If she truly isn’t participating in the caucus, that is an own goal of epic proportions and proves that she has an incompetent campaign team.

The first rule of running a campaign at any level is KNOW THE RULES. She’s given up any chance of getting ANY delegates from NV. Looks especially bad if she comes in with momentum from NH/Iowa, too.

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The state passed a law switching from a caucus to a primary. The Republicans said “fuck that, don’t tell us what to do” and made plans to hold a caucus anyways. Delegates will be awarded via caucus and anyone who runs in the primary is not allowed to win delegates.

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Maybe they know the rules and she’s intentionally sacrificing the chance to win delegates in favor of building a narrative. She’s only giving up a fraction of a small state’s delegates since it is not winner-take-all.




Is he gonna endorse Trump?

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He is probably gonna be endorsing the libertarian candidate.

Vivek or running himself.

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yeah maybe


50:50 he’s endorsing trump or he’s gonna do some stupid tiktok meme

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  1. Why did the state pass that las?
  2. Is the GOPs opposition to primary strictly a matter of principle (i.e., we’re not going to do something the state is trying to force us to do) or is their some reason for the GOP to prefer caucuses over primaries?
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The change was inspired by complaints about vote counting by the Sanders and Buttigieg campaigns. The stories I saw said it passed with bipartisan support, but I don’t know how many Republicans actually voted for it. Not quite sure about Republican motives, but I assume some of them think Democrats are doing to rig the Republican primary.

The state runs the primary but parties have to pay for caucuses, so Haley is saving around $50k that they are charging candidates.

Rand Paul is such a showman.




Do the Iowan diners know that he is a vegetarian?

“Let me explain to you about Hinduism and how it relates to God”

Doctor Yale Esquires are some of the dumbest people on the planet. Living in a bubble.

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Oh sure sure

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