2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out




Now he’s in real jeopardy of losing Iowa.

Zero chance this happens. How many MAGA chuds do you think have any idea what Darjeeling tea is?

Kinda surprised that LeVar Burton would be wishing a “Happy Thursday” to Richard Spencer and Vladimir Putin, et. al. Strange times.

Some of his novels aren’t bad , though.

Cartoonist owned himself worse than he owned Nikki.

I certainly don’t.

How about Graydon Carter?

At least they can use this as PROOF that global warming is a HOAX!

I lol’d


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This was a choice not a fuck up, I’m told.

Things are really looking up for Meatball!

Christie out.

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These Christie speeches are a trip because because he’ll drop some truth bomb about Trump and I think, “That’s refreshing, one of these idiots telling the truth about the Worst Man in the World” and next sentence he’ll say something like, “Thank god we had George W. Bush, a man of integrity who made the right decisions, in charge when 9/11 happened” and I’m like:


GOP cesspool is GOP cesspool



Even as a little kid I thought Bush more stupid than an actual bad guy. There must be some reason Michelle likes him

I wonder do they feel anything? Jamie shames them so good even I’m embarrassed for them


Can someone ELI5 wtf is going on here? According to the article Trump, Desantis and Ramaswamy all didn’t file for the primary and and doing the caucus instead. The others are doing the caucus. Apparently GOP is treating caucus as official.

I’m sure they didn’t all fuck up. There must be some explanation. What is it? It’s not obvious to me why caucus vs primary would clearly favor anyone in particular.