2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Her only path to winning is to steal the RDS voters.

The guys that say things like “drop trou” and have multiple date rapes to their credit.

Otherwise known as college-educated Republicans.

Their college-educated wives will just vote how their hubby tells them to.

I’m guessing Trump would have given a direct but slightly incoherent defense of slave owners and their rights along the lines of “they had reason to be upset all their property was going to be taken away by the federal government just like we are upset with our taxes” and then end it by saying we can’t do things like that anymore (not specifying that means slavery, secession, or govt taking private property) but that it’s also the cause of most of our problems today (black people being free)

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Right there with you, Candace Owens went to mine.

Westhill > Stamford.

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Steve King is an abomination, so it stands to reason that he would like Vivek

You can pretty much say that about any candidate in the field.


Had the same exact thought. Any one of these sentences would work just fine:

Steve King is an abomination, so it stands to reason he would like Trump.

Steve King is an abomination, so it stands to reason he would like Ronda Santis.

Steve King is an abomination, so it stands to reason he would like Nikki Haley.

Etc etc etc. They are all abomination approved.

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Am I the only one annoyed by the fact that it can’t be Drapery because we have already been shown an R?


Who says cartoon nimrods answer is meant to be correct or thought through….

What if that’s an added part of the joke? There’s only two words that fit those letters and the non-slavery one isn’t as funny as “drapery”.

The real nutpick IMO is that if we’re assuming it’s a final puzzle, L is one of the free letters you’re given to start the round.

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Would have been better if it was a…v…e…y and the answer was bravery but bigoldnit took that idea down too


He also serves as the treasurer of the conservative and libertarian-minded legal group The Federalist Society.

“Government cannot continue like it has for the past several years. We must take the budget, inflation and securing our borders more seriously,” Hatch wrote in Tuesday’s announcement. “We need to elect people who have had real jobs, had to make payrolls and are not wed to lobbyists and the political class – people who speak plainly and use common sense.”

Chip off the old block. Can’t wait to hear some more plain talk.


He’s the son of a senator and his “real job” is lobbying for evil corporations in court lol

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It’s the guess of a contestant, not the actual answer.

Plenty of Wheel Contestants guess things which aren’t possible, especially with the bonus round shot clock.



Trump just gonna call her “Darjeeling Nikki” two days before the primary and her stock will plummet.


I really would love to see her win there, because Trump would absolutely claim the election was rigged, by Republicans.