2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

A hardcore Republican I know thinks Pence is the start of a string of dropouts consolidating never-Trumper support behind one candidate.

Lately I’ve been seeing attack ads against Niki Haley. Not sure who is running them

And next weekend I am having a threesome with Natalie Portman and Margot Robbie. :grin:


Is he a hardcore Republican who supports Trump? Or someone else? This is actually precisely what they should do, and the sooner the better. Sadly, they are hopelessly stupid. So, I don’t know if more shoes are going to drop.


I disagree trump has more than 50% only way he loses is if all the court stuff actually moves the needle which it probably won’t, then it’s up for grabs again. though pence or scott aren’t winning anyway and christie’s just trolling

They’re all running for 2028 if we have elections and you kinda want to stay in a bit longer if that’s the case so people know who you are.

He’s a Republican who was for Trump in 2016 but has turned strongly against him due solely to January 6. He says he agrees with Trump on policy but no way will he vote for him due to insurrection.


Ronda is 0% to beat trump and i dont see him dropping out anytime soon

it will move the needle for the R base but not in the direction you are suggesting


vivek’s a real dick, that’ll win him some votes

You would think that 160 years later this would be a definitively settled issue. But in a weird way the old Positive Good idea keeps ricocheting around as people look for cute history theses to advance, and most oddly of all as leftists try to indict capitalism by agreeing with Positive Good theorists’ exaggeration of slavery’s benefits.

This is a pretty ridiculous accusation to make without offering any examples or really any support at all. Does the full article give examples of leftists extolling slavery’s benefits?

Lefties like taxes and taxes are slavery. Chessmate libtard.

Here’s an example


Does the full article come up with the link? Not sure how substack links work. If I recall correctly, that point about the left seemed like a bit of a strawman, but he did provide some support. The more important point is that various economists have been sloppy in analyzing the economics of slavery.

Even turning it into an economics question is wrong. I get the academic angle, but it’s offensive and just shows how easy it is to reduce lives to a calculation and dehumanize peoples.

Also. Feels a bit well actually.

I.e. the left points out that slavery created much of the wealth for the European industrial revolution and resulted in the deaths of millions.

Well actually. Yes. But mostly the industrial revolution was about internal and European trade.

Okay? Shut the fuck up man.


I was wondering who that was, but not enough to go look it up.


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Tim Scott is out (of the race)


Well at least we got to meet his gf.