2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out



He’s still not winning.


Pence couldn’t have even had dinner with Golda Meir, what is he talking about how strong he is.


That was old Mike Pence, the new Mike Pence brags about boning teachers to millions of people


This is an astonishingly stupid use of polling. It’s a name recognition poll.


Hannity looks like shit, god damn.

When he said “like you” he meant people that are not old rich white men. “Those people” shouldn’t be allowed to be President, duh.


Posted in the wrong thread

If anybody was wondering how Mike Pence’s campaign was going, it’s not going well

“The media has already decided how all this is going to end,” he told just 13 people at a Pizza Ranch in Red Oak

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I didn’t get a picture, sadly, but I was in Greater Idaho the backcountry of Oregon last weekend, and I saw a huge Trump Pence sign still up, but someone, presumably the owner, had Xed out Pence with red spray paint.

Because of trump everyone hates pence. Not a bigger zero in the political landscape. He would poll better if he was never vp, which is crazy.

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Unclear. Pence was a pretty minor national politician before he was poker for VP. He’s also not particularly charismatic. Would he really be doing that much better than Burgam, Hutchinson, or Scott?

I have no idea what his chances would be in this alternate reality, but the first time I ever heard of Pence was in the pre-Trump times when Vox (Matty Y) was presenting him as a slam dunk GOP Presidential nominee.

Obviously the Trump era hurt him. It’s hard to imagine he would be worse off now had he distanced himself more effectively from Trump instead of making the (all too common) mistake that people make by trying to get close to Trump and get some of that Trump brand juice. Trump turns on everyone eventually because that’s who he is, Pence flew too close to that sun and his wings melted.

Kasich was the only person smart enough (or lucky enough) to turn down Trump.

When was Mike Pence ever a “favorite of the right?” At the very best he was just Tump’s sidekick, a lapdog. There was never a moment when Pence had any real presidential pull with the base.

Without Trump he’s just an obscure Evangelical politico from a tiny non-swing state.

Matty is a clown, I truly don’t know why people cite him like he’s anything other than a modern-day Chris Cillizza.

I think though that Trump completely changed the landscape. Prior to Trump the RNC candidates were boring establishment types and guys like Pence, Jeb, etc. were perfectly in that mold. Now, I feel even if Trump were to drop out, there is no going back. R primary voters crave someone that’s going to feed them their outrage - and Pence sucks at that. Guys like Pence are dead, shit peddlers like Ramaswamy are the future of the party.

I know he is, but there’s nothing obviously wrong with his analysis of Pence as a presidential candidate, except that he didn’t account from Trump changing the entire process.

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Yes, agreed. Pence would still be too boring for the deplorable base in 2023, they just wouldn’t hate him.

I’m still bullish on another Trump/Pence ticket. Gives Trump a chance to make the most hilarious pick passible without getting upstaged. Something for everyone imo.