2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

You just use arguments that you plan on redirecting against Biden in the general election.

Logically, I get why one would think that would work. But I think that the way people’s brains are wired, people will take an attack more personally if it directed at “one of us” instead of “one of them”.

Physical violence like punching Trump in the face will go further with GOP voters than any sound bite.

I think the first to do it would kamikaze their candidacy.

I think there is significant second mover advantage but then we are just in SPE territory.

I think there’s a way to do it smartly. You have to compare Trump to Biden, Pelosi, etc. You have to blame Trump’s handlers for keeping him out of debates. You have to avoid criticizing him on policy. Just point out every time it looks like Tired Donnie needs a nap.

The “You” is key here. Christie can’t do it. Vivek could if he was Victor and white.

Best bet is someone like Tucker or Joe Rogan.

I admit I am assuming competence in the part of a theoretical candidate.



Not bad, Mike. Not bad.


Pence is the Roger Sterling of the GOP


things are going off the rails when GOP voters are saying get the f out of our country to a white man

get out of our country AND iowa take that!


Can you imagine the horror of being permanently banished from iowa. Could you go on?

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well they are the closest casinos to me…

You are way too close.


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LOL Desantis

CNN/UNH New Hampshire GOP Primary poll:

Trump 39%
Ramaswamy 13%
Haley 12%
Christie 11%
DeSantis 10%
Scott 6%
Pence 2%


Lol behind Christie. They really have 0 fucking bench.

Trump only getting 40% of the vote doesn’t seem great for him. I’d be curious what it looks like if he was heads up against someone.

Christie’s growth is concentrated among those who identify as independents or Democrats but say they will vote in the GOP primary
lmao it’s entirely troll votes, gop voters hate him the most

Forty-two percent say they would never vote for Pence
that low?

Those backing someone besides Trump are more than three times as likely as Trump supporters to say it’s important that the GOP nominee is respectful to others (73% vs. 23%)

23% of Trump supporters think the nominee should be respectful to others. in other words 23% of trump supporters will lie blatantly to your face. Well at least 73% admit they dgaf, more honest than trump is.
