2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

He should have had a beard contract like Corey Booker had with Rosario Dawson.

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Arbitrary and capricious. Just no valid reason for supporting :ukraine:. Arguing with this twat would be bad for my soul.

I wish Russia would invade that guys face

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The only reason we’re helping ukraine is because of bribery is a new take

guess the other takes they had didn’t gain any traction

I mean I could explain to a guy running for president that they are bills through congress but we apparently don’t have republicans running for president who believe in things called democracies.

That time he basically said we should let china have taiwan after we don’t need them anymore for superconductors was quite the take too.

There’s a point to be made the ukraine money we are spending could be way more efficient but nope it’s never that for some reason.

Seriouz candidate Nikki Haley:

Former Ambassador to the UN and presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Sunday explained her pledge to support former President Trump as the eventual nominee, even if he is convicted in any of the criminal cases against him, by saying she did not foresee that scenario playing out.

In an interview on CBS News’s “Face the Nation,” Haley said she had faith in the American people not to vote for Trump if he’s convicted of any of the scores of criminal counts he’s been charged with in four criminal indictments.

“First of all, he’s innocent until proven guilty,” Haley said when asked whether she’d vote for Trump, even if he is convicted. “But you are implying that the American people are not smart.

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Yes, that’s right Nikki

Basically Vivek is trying to out-Trump, Trump.

Just an awful human being


Ever since Vivek became the shiny new object, nobody has heard a peep from RFK Jr.

Watch Medhi Hassan wipe the floor in an interview with Vivek over him accepting a $50,000 (((George Soros))) scholarship for immigrants when he was earning hundreds of thousands of dollars


Did he though? Its a hypocrisy argument, the laziest and least impactful kind of argument which convinces nobody of anything because there’s always a counter hypocrisy you can point to to deflect.

Also the “I’ll take any fools money if they givin’ it away” line is pretty compelling because everyone would take free money no matter their ideology. Like in theory I’m essentially a maoist 3rd worldist at this point, but if Shell offered me £50,000 to make an ad about how great they are or whatever I’m snap taking it and so are 99% of people.

I will readily concede that such arguments are only effective on people to whom words have meaning, so for the GOP primary, it probably won’t matter much, beyond maybe “Look at this guy taking money from (((George Soros))).” Those people don’t watch MSNBC anyway.

I feel like most posters here could write an effective general election add about an out-of-touch hedge fund multi-millionaire who went to law school on an affirmative action grant who is now 100% against affirmative action for anyone coming behind him, or anyone actually needing it.

The problem is it always plays both ways. I mean the actual majority position of the gop is undeserving minorities are scamming AA, welfare etc to get you know lobsters or tvs or whatever the hell. And vivek just has to say I know that’s true cos I did that shit. But now I’ve seen how destructive it is to real Americans I’m against it.

This is pretty close to how I feel about it. Mehdi did as good a job as can be expected, but Vivek is did enough bloviating and deflecting that someone who is on Vivek’s side can just shrug.

I define “wipe the floor” as being so severe that even a supporter of Vivek’s would look at the interview think he got destroyed (though they may not admit it out loud).

That’s admittedly a high bar and I don’t think he cleared it.

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It’s an impossible bar these days. Trump could be in drag get his a** reamed while eating a still live fetus and it wouldn’t move the needle unless he was also getting a COVID booster


If I were a soulless Republican running against Trump, I would just go with some straight-up ageist, policy-free attacks on Trump.


so all of them?

Whoever does it first will benefit.

They all do it, but probably not as straight up as you are imagining. So that probably doesn’t count.

They’re going slightly beyond dogwhistling it. And that just doesn’t cut it these days for the MAGA base.

One potential downside is that a lot of his core constituency is olds. So you might have to thread that ageism needle to make sure it doesn’t back fire.