2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

I think of Trump as like an inverse Napoleon. Get power, don’t do shit. Tiny hands, tiny mind.

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He… actually did shit tho. Did you guys forget the Trump years?

Every US Pres does shit. He might have said terrible things and behaved appallingly but Trump probably did less shit than most recent ones.

Is the Muslim ban still in place?

I think Trump did less shit than any president in the last 100 years.

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The federal judiciary is jam-packed full of Trumpy judges who will be there for the rest of our lives, he put a rapist on the Supreme Court who killed abortion rights, we have hundreds of children that we abducted and have no idea where their families are, all kinds of crazy-ass diseases are making comebacks because of Trump’s inane anti-vax bullshit, our standing as a reliable ally/partner is forever shot, then there’s the actual coup that very nearly broke the entire country. You can’t tell me he didn’t do strongman authoritarian shit, that’s some Charlie Brown had hoes stuff. It’s just not true.


Jal FDR being a strong man that expanded executive power more than just about any president ever is the mainstream opinion from across the political spectrum.

Just like Trump’s carefully crafted persona is a poor man’s idea of a rich guy, he’s also a rural hick’s idea of a strongman. He doesn’t need to actually be strong. He just needs to show bravado and never back down or admit defeat ever while occasionally saying things like, why are we spending all this money on nuclear weapons if we never get to use them?

Remember when he assassinated an Iranian general and threatened war with NK?

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My favorite part of that was the right wing media writing complete drivel about how Trump is actually playing 5D chess with his brinksmanship escalating with Kim, and it was ackshually good.

While I’m screaming at the TV, “HE’S JUST A STUPID FUCKING BUFFOON MASHING BUTTONS!” …And one of those buttons has nuclear weapons.

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He did more shits, though.

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Also, refusing to ever concede an election could easily become a regular fixture of American politics thanks to Trump.

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What are the material effects on people’s lives of this, if it actually happens

Lots of content.

Or it could be an express ticket to prison.

Depends on how far one takes “not conceding”, but peoples’ lives in a (legitimately) dictatorial society tend not to do so well

South Carolina has two single bachelors as senators. Lookout ladies…


yeah how dare he not have a sham marriage like the frontrunner or an absolute ton of people in congress

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