2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

deliciousness comes in many forms

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What does anyone think is wrong with making a burger from pork? High fat prolly, but delicious.
I make sausage rolls w half beef/half pork and everyone totally inhales them double quick time.
My next burgers are gonna be half/half - thanks for the inspiration folks.

I don’t think there’s necessarily anything especially wrong with it (I don’t eat meat so it’s all relative), I’ve just literally never heard of it before.

cant tell if Jacob is a biden voter or a trumper

That’s how you know he’s one of the good ones.

Ground pork doesn’t seem to be as common as ground beef in the US, seems like that could be the reason pork burgers aren’t a thing. Or at least I can’t think of another reason.

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Isnt part of the problem that Pork is particularly stingy when it comes to its final temp? You cant leave the middle mid or mid rare like you could a beef burger, so the outside is going to be pretty dry.

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Boom!! Just thought of the solution.
Beef patty surrounded by pork mince and then sizzled.

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Yeah, I could see that working. Ill ask my son when I see him.

Venison is leaner than recommended for burgers and some people like adding pork fat to make it better.

I read somewhere that if you read the fine print, 10 people will be randomly drawn, and then the DeSantis Campaign will select the LUCKY winner out of those 10.

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You know I bet it has something ot do with trichinosis.

Trichinosis has been basically eradicated in domestic pork. It’s only really found in wild boar, wild bear, and other wild meats. I think it is mainly that domestic pork has been bred for low fat content and blandness (“the other white meat”), and because unseasoned ground meat is the worst preparation of any meat and only beef can really go that way well. Ground pork should be sausage.


Like I said I don’t generally eat meat, but when we were in Colombia there were times where it was eat meat or go hungry. One of those times was on a ranch in Los Llanos where the farm pigs ranged all over the place and we were served pork chops that had been running around the yard earlier in the day. That shit was delicious tbh.


I’m surprised there isn’t a “no cash value” disclaimer

But was it a thing in the 50’s when grilling hamburgers became an American tradition?

Looks like beef took off with the hamburger revolution while pork stayed flat.

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Johnsonville “Brat Burgers” were a regular fixture on the menu when I was a kid. I have not had in a while though.

Pretty sure the turkey sandwich was invented in '85.

He considers himself a centrist but economic anxieties have forced him into Trump’s camp for now