2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Remember when life was better when you were a teenager versus a boomer?

The mythic past belief is just a human flaw but we as humans tend to reminisce about the past forgetting the bad things.

unless you are quite old, then yes life was better before that.


I know Republicans like to sort by lawn signs rather than votes, so here’s a ranking on candidate paraphernalia seen at a small town New Hampshire 4th of July Parade

Vivek R
Perry Johnson
Doug Burgum

Nothing for Desantis.

There was a truly disturbing amount of support for RFK Jr, nearly rivaled Trump.

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I think physically assaulting Trump is the only way someone could legit unthrone him. GOP == WWE. Grab him during the debate and pull off his hair piece, smack him in the face Will Smith style. Something like that could play for Christie.


He should start working his cardio now if he wants to be able to do all that come debate time.

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Biden always does shit in NH, it’s going to be RFK Jr’s best state.

Desantis is only live in case so much shit happens to trump between now and when it matters; midwest/northeast are gonna be a bloodbath for trump over him.

RFK reminds me of Ron Paul on the democrat side


heh I just read that somewhere else. He wants to kill the CIA which is basically what Paul wanted to do so yeah.

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Max chaos scenario:

  • NH follows it’s state law in order to hold the first primary, sets it a few days before South Carolina

  • Biden gets mad, spends little time in NH, focuses on South Carolina because he thinks it should have gone first

  • RFK camps out in NH, running on a combo of his usual anti-establishment stuff plus specific appeals about why NH should be first and changing the order was wrong and unfair

  • RFK does really well (maybe wins, but even close is bad), media does a week of stories about Biden weakness and Democratic disarray. Stories filled with quotes questioning whether Biden has the stamina for a long primary and wondering if other candidates will now jump in.

  • DNC says they won’t seat the delegates from the NH primary b/c it jumped the schedule. Allegations fly about rigged elections, democracy subversion, etc. culminate at the Convention when the delegates try to get in and are forcibly prevented from entering the venue.


At this point, I’m not even sure he’s the favorite if Trump dies.

If there is even a hint that RFK is picking up support, I would expect Newsom to come in.

nah, SC will be a biden beatdown of RFK so bad that’ll die as quick as it started but yes the media will run all that shit in the meantime

I could see that. I imagine there are a few Dems who have a sort of quick start campaign plan sitting on a shelf somewhere, and his is probably one of the more fully baked ones.

I have no doubt that Biden will crush in South Carolina, but the media is sort of invested in wanting a real campaign, so I think they’ll keep pumping the narrative even if RFK doesn’t have a shot at winning. As long as RFK is a declared candidate he’ll get covered.

RFK is really at least an order of magnitude more delusional than Ron Paul, which is really saying something.


Possibly, I wonder what craziness would of came out of Ron Paul’s mouth during a podcast tour though

I’m trying to figure out the joke

Biden will beat Bobby worse than he did Bernie, but the media will act like it’s still a race, and Bernie fans will “point out the hypocrisy” and people will be annoyed at Bernie fans for making it about Bernie as always

RFK Jr will also not endorse Biden, and Bernie fans will again make it about Bernie and how he did endorse Mrs Clinton
