2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

The RNC could threaten to leak dirt to the DOJ. Trump only has protection when he’s an earner and that could turn very soon.

I don’t forsee the trump 2024 signs (yes they just changed the flags/signs rather than take them down and not put them back up until the next election like every other human being after the election) being taken down anytime soon

Didn’t we go through this is 2016? He will commit to supporting the nominee if the process is “fair,” but in his mind any process that doesn’t output him as the nominee was not fair.


Yes and

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I truly don’t understand why every other candidate needs to sign a loyalty pledge just to be allowed on the debate stage while Trump doesn’t even have to agree not to run as a 3rd party candidate. The degree to which the entire Republican party is cucked is breathtaking


I’m not sure he goes 3rd party if he doesn’t get the nomination. The other Rs have promised him a pardon and he probably screws himself by opposing them.


Sweet summer child. No chance the R president holds back a pardon because Trump runs 3rd party, except maybe DeSantis.

I think he means Trump running 3rd party means there would be no chance of an R President.

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Ah, yeah.

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Big brain Trump should offer Joe Biden to run 3rd party in return for a pardon

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Maybe this is a hot take and maybe it isn’t but I feel like Christie is undervalued on Predictit at 6. There is literally no other remotely viable moderate candidate. I feel like he has a better chance to get the nomination than anyone but Trump, who is still the massive favorite of course.

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I think the Christie-Trump fight is going to provide morbid entertainment, at the very least.


He has the only shot because he’s at least running as a alt to Trump. You can’t run in the Trump lane when Trump is still there and have a shot.

But actually meeting the Republican National Committee’s polling requirements — which holds that a candidate must earn 1 percent in three polls to participate in the party’s first primary debate next month — might be a lot harder than it looked at first blush.

jesus their first debate is coming so soon

Anyone making any kind of political analysis about who can beat who and how has not been paying attention.

The normal political rules don’t apply.

I have always maintained that Christie is a perfect fit for the Oval Office.

