2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out


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That is easily the greatest political ad ever.

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The thing is Trump is a better anti Republican campaigner than Democrats are


Ron might be cooked in 2028 (and beyond) at this point,

Cooked Meatball Ron!

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Frozen, for now.

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If Trump died in November of a heart attack or a fall out of a tenth-story window, does DeSantis win the nomination? What about the general election?

easily, don’t know–at least desantis probably isn’t enough if the election is close for state level R’s to think of some way to steal it like they totally would’ve for trump. (FL isn’t a swing state now so trying that again is out)

tim scott is just this year’s token black guy running for president that they just make sure one is in there so it doesn’t look so bad.

I hope Tim comes out with a creepy Herman Cain esque commercial




Yes and yes. IMO.

It’s tolkein.

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DeSantis fires back with an ad attacking Trump

Plus signing a 6 week abortion bill. I think he is in trouble if he somehow makes it to the general.

Decent ad, but it doesn’t matter one iota.

Trump could take every Republican’s guns right now, shoot them, and still have their votes.

I believe he even said something like that once. He’s more popular with them now.

I think trump martyrdom would impact things in strange and unexpected ways.

Even most Republicans are in favor of those measures. Pretty funny



leave out the betrayed me part, that plays into the bullshit

emphasis how trump keeps picking losers part; whining crybaby part is fine too

also I’d go with if I was them how everyone thought joe biden would be this bad and you lost anyway

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They don’t think that tho.

The primary voters you need definitely don’t think Trump ever lost.