2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Yeah, that’s true. I’d probably take a line something like this

Ronnie: Look at that loser Trump. Couldn’t even beat Biden
Donnie: I did beat Biden. It was rigged.
Ronnie: Dude you were the fucking president. If you can’t even ensure a fair election, you did a pretty shit job. Why would people want a shit president like you instead of someone who could get things done?

The logic of that last response isn’t great, but it can play with the MAGA idiots.


logic is irrelevant. MoRon never has the charisma to pull something like that off.


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Ok, an A+ reference Matty Y


Disneyland is in California.


I want that shirt Donald is wearing

Details shmetails

It’s all performance theater until Mickey becomes Minnie

Also what the heck is the other-Goofy? Never seen them before I don’t think.

Clarabelle is a cow.


As long as this guy shows up.

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I have been bullish on Trump’s chances all along, but when he reveals his “we are going to continue to allow theme parks and beer” policy, he will be unstoppable.

don’t go with logic, just go YOU ARE A LOSER repeatedly

I could’ve sworn Disney was doing gay pride events back in the 90s? Genuinely surprised this is their first LGBT night.

That’s Poofy.

Gay Days at Disney World were a thing since the 80’s I believe, but for quite a while, it was done without authorization or anything more than passing acknowledgement from Disney. Gay groups decided on certain days to visit Disney World and that’s what they did. Disney didn’t endorse it, nor did they ban it. In fact, for many years, Disney was considered pretty conservative, family values and all that. Disney is often cited for the reason that no casinos or poker rooms ever located in Orlando.

You know, I think I remember something like this in the 90’s, like it wasn’t even an officially sanctioned Disney event, it was just a bunch of gay people came to visit Disney as a group and they weren’t kicked out or something so conservatives got mad at Disney.

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Works as a first responder? Why does being a paramedic give you superior insight into the correct tax policy?

Viveck told POLITICO that in Iowa this week, he’ll call for increasing the automatic voting age to 25, unless a citizen 18 or older is enrolled in the military, works as a first-responder or passes the same civics test given to immigrants seeking American citizenship. Such a change could only be implemented by passing a constitutional amendment

On a side note, it really does lay out the fraud of ‘how dare you think voter ID, roll purging, etc is about having less people we don’t like vote’ when the hip edgy thing a Republican candidate can promise is… a way to get less people they don’t like to vote.

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