2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

I’m not watching the vid. Does Trump say DeSantis called him “sir”?

Trump is so good at this. Best part of the video is the last ten seconds.

DeSantis will join the trail of dead.

Was this recent? I had the impression he was much more senile than this.

If this is recent, then yeah, he’s still got it and gg Ron.

And gotta love Hannity saying “it was a very close race” and getting shut down by Trump. Beautiful.

Nah, video is from the other night I believe

went to look up timelines and polling data like any of that matters.

Trump’s endorsement was December 22 2017
All the polls before the endorsement have don’t know/unsure with a clear majority
Florida gubernatorial primary was August 28 2018.

but there are enough facts for Trump to build the narrative he wants, and yes, he’s still got it. good luck Ron, you’re gonna need it.

Loved this. It was like great comedic timing, unintentionally of course.



LMAO my dude you’d still be in chains if your buddies thought it was at all remotely possible. The dissonance required to announce this at Fort Sumter is just astounding.

Enjoy never polling above 3%.




What an enormous piece of shit. And dumb.

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lol Jesus Christ



I am sure Scott knows that he has no chance. Running probably increases his grifting and post senate income potential.


Sometimes the candidate is the one getting grifted (Michael Bloomberg, the Starbucks guy), but I think more often the candidate is in on the grift.

I know it’s fun to laugh at how low they are polling or how they have no chance, but for the most part they have already won by running. They sell books, they get podcasts, TV shows, better administration jobs, etc.

See above

Yeah, I think most of the time it’s symbiotic. Consultants collect lavish fees for hopeless candidates and candidates get contributions funneled to them from donors through books buys and other methods.

Seems pretty idiotic to whitesplain what it means to be black to a black man, but carry on.

Apparently Sen Scott is no longer a virgin.

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