2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Is the problem that there is any bolding at all or where the bold type cuts off?

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Honestly I think there is a chance Desantis doesn’t even run at this point. The polling looks super bad for him and is only likely to get worse the more exposure people get to him and the more attacks from Trump he takes

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Childfucker Ron fading very badly. Buh Bye!


It’s probably best for him to wait until Trump dies. But not certain if he will be the flavor of the month then. And I’m sure the R establishment is pushing him hard to run because they know no one else has a chance against trump.

I miss Bob Dole :cry:

edit: Trusting the People: The Dole Plan to Free the Economy and Create a Better America

Proud Norwegian Republican

Maybe Soulman can vouch for me.

På Danmarksplass tjs ca 2003 , kjørte eg lastebil i Bergen og Kongen var på besøk I BÆrgen. Forbanna, viste fing direkte til kongen! øyenkontakt =)

edit: kortesje nedover fjøsanger ffs


Eh, it’s still way early and Trump has a massive name recognition advantage. No way he decides to not run based on these polls.

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Desantis was leading the polls 2 months ago. That’s a 30 point swing. I think at some point you do think about not running to not ruin your brand while you wait for Trump to die.

Becoming the enemy of the MAGA crowd rather than the heir apparent is game over for his presidential aspirations.

Running through this thread, and it seems like a lot of people in the politics forum don’t know dick about politics.

This may be the best example.

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Somehow i don’t think this is the last we’ve heard of this. Who the fuck doesn’t remember exactly where they were on 9/11? And instead of answering the question, you just start flinging bullshit? Sad.

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It’s not that he doesn’t know, he apparently doesn’t want to mention the time when he was a teacher and was “close” to his students.


Banging a student while 9/11 happened

Now that’s a story. If he was Trump, he’d brag about synchronizing his climaxing with the towers getting hit.

The fact he won’t is why Trump will win.

Many people are saying they saw him dancing and celebrating after the towers fell.


I don’t really see that as sticking. He’ll come up with a better answer to the same question



O/U on number of times this gets played on cable news on the day DeSantis officially declares?