2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Ann Coulter remains a principled and consistent racist, over all years, and quantum realities. What an awful person. Also Sikhs are not Hindus, but whatever, I suspect they all look alike to Coulter.

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didn’t she give a speech at RNC claiming that “America is not a racist country”?

chefs kiss

Just #1 with racists?

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If any of you could donate $41,500 to my PAC I could probably come up with the rest.



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I thought Hertling had a fake Pence avatar.

No flies on him.

They think this wins votes? Bold.

I think even your average GOP voter isn’t going to go for this. Only the business class which isn’t enough votes.

They’ve convinced the deplorables to vote against there own self interest, but this is a bridge too far.

He’s not really a Christian, not a Patriot, and not a legit candidate. He may be even more self delusional than Trump.

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“Social security and Medicare for Real Americans only” is their winning strategy. What they really want is socialism but only for their in group. They will attack Medicare and social security the way they attack voting rights - selectively.

GOP is quite adept at working the overton, without us snarky woke liberals pointing out the inconsistencies. a very small percentage votes based on whether the system is going to be solvent in the future, so they know what they are doing

So Florida retirees aren’t going to see the leopard coming? And Pence is sufficiently confident to grab the 3rd rail? I’ll have to start reading that AARP magazine but I doubt people are just going to go along with this.

Easy to forget this after the way his presidenecy went, but privitizing Social Security was literally the centerpice of Bush’s 2000 campaign. He seemed to do OK with it.

The US population is older. In 1990, 13% were 65 or older, it’s 17% now, and the trend will continue. It seems to be generally accepted that boomers are relatively well off, but that’s likely untrue.


My guess is these trends are not coincidental.





My memory is fuzzy, but didn’t Republicans take a ton of heat for trying to fuck with SS? I seem to remember them backing away from that.

I’d be more interested in the change of distribution of wealth among the population over time. Wealth per capital in the same country isn’t going to change much without some kind of cataclysmic event, even as the amount each generation holds, but wealth shifting to become more concentrated over time could be interesting.

I remember when W tried to privatize it. That…did not go well.

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That’s not an opinion often if ever expressed here. Personally, I’ve never been impressed by the generational arguments. But then I’m old.

Anyway, the point is social security and medicare are increasingly relevant, while “privatization” is played out and Pence is living in the past if he thinks this is a winning policy choice. Maybe he doesn’t and is just playing to his own small private audience, idk.