2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out



Of people on Predictit as of right now, I’d put Larry Hogan at 1 and Mitt Romney at 2.

After that, there’s an enormous gap. Haley probably 3rd, but only because the competition is so horrifying.

I truly have no idea what Haley is doing. She can go on the board circuit for life and make millions. Surely she doesn’t think she has any chance.

She likely had some well paid political consultants tell her that’s she’s a shoo in.

She is running for VP. For either Ron or Don.

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He’s shaking off the rust. Game returning to form


Another thought is that she is drawing (trump’s) fire away from an as-yet undeclared Desantis. May have even been explicitly recruited by Desantis for this purpose.

Edit lol x-post



I think trmp is still costing admin collaborators like haley a lot in credibility and money, unless they are willing to completely debase themselves and go full-on right wing grift.

she might see that trmp is going to be history at some point and this is a sure-fire way to spend a lot of other people money to get talked about. so it might not necessarily be for another job he’ll bestow on her. or maybe it will just be the last option for her anyway and she’ll accept it in exchange for endorsement.

Ethnic slur is a plus of course. LOL Meatball Ron, right up the Coco Chow alley. Gonna play great with the base imo.

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I kind of want to call him Meatball Ron now.


Narcissism is pretty crazy

It’s clearly this, and if Predictit could put up new markets, I might have thrown some money at it.

I hope she wasn’t counting on Don’s vote…


Meatball Ron is a home run.

Ronny Meatball flows better, but yes.

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What is with people named Don. Is he still on CNN evenings?

I think he’s primarily on the morning show now, but I think he may occassionally pop up at other times. I don’t watch much tv news, so I basically see him if/when he shows up on social media.


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