2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Never seen this before, but I no-joke expect something like this to eventually take shape.

It is the one issue the Dems can fearmonger against the Rs.

Does diverting payroll taxes to stonks count? That’s what Bush’s plan was.

That helps the current olds by propping up demand. If the amount coming in ever goes down……

The problem with equities are that they are an abstraction and nobody understands or cares about them. Sporting futures resonate with people and have real meaning and value. That’s where the future lies. Onion a little ahead of thier time imo.

Last time there were broad Social Security cuts they grandfathered in older folks and phased it in with the Boomers.

W-era Republicans were not crazy enough to vote for face-eating leopards. Could today’s MAGA cult be dumb enough to go for privatizing it?

That was under Reagan? That was… a long time ago. If they’re really serious they can try something similar but it’ll be harder now. You can only get people to trade so much self-interest for manufactured fiscal responsibility bullshit.


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Hell yeah I want a president who knows the McDonald’s menu, that’s my kinda guy!

Most truthful thing he’s ever said


Heh I meant the rate of wealth accumulation changes slowly over time so wealth per capita by generation is going to have the generations close together

I am a bit worried about entitlements though. I’ve seen some centrists like Jake Tapper liking posts about how Social Security is unsustainable because of baby boomers retiring. Of course the answer is either lower benefits or preferably raise taxes but centrists are the gatekeepers and when they think that Something Must Be Done it gives an opening for right wingers to push their agenda.

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There’s probably not a molecule of Trump that didn’t pass through McDonald’s on the way to congealing onto his rotund carcass.

When he said “we’re going to take care of” the police and fire depts, he had to have been speaking in the future “if I’m elected” kind of way. No way he’s paying their Macca’s tab.

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These are quite the words :+1:

Jfc, just increase the maximum contribution. I remember hitting the max in November back when I had a salary. Idk what the max income is now, was low 100s a few years ago. Just change that to whatever it needs to be keep up. Heck I’m ok with it being stepped down to 3.5% for every dollar above todays limit up to 500k or whatever.

I wanted to call him fat without sounding like a fat shaming jerk. I might have gone overboard. And also can’t really do that.

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The problem with this play is the cynical selfish (maybe correct) mind of the average voter automatically assumes that if a government program is being taken away it is being taken away from them, and no amount of reassuring dogwhistles will make them think otherwise.

Yeah, that’s why I was relating the situation to voter rights. They can avoid claiming outright that they’re taking social security away from Real Americans that earned it, they can just pass Common Sense reforms about who is entitled to it. Some kind of onerous ID law, especially one that gives the states the option of how to administer it, would be very popular. Especially if they mount a propaganda campaign about Social Security FRAUD, which is RAMPANT!

When the GOP says social security reform they mean keeping everything the same for the boomers but cutting it for the lazy millennial/zoomer snowflakes that no longer understand the value of hard work ldo.

Obviously this, and throw in a little racism red meat about immigrants and welfare queens cheating the system and stealing the pensions that Boomers Contributed To Their Whole Lives And Totally Definitely Earned.