2024 LC Thread

I was there a couple weeks back, stayed in the lower garden district but wandered over to the FQ a couple times. I love visiting NOLA, not sure about living there.

Living more uptown is pretty great as a young professional. Don’t think kids would have been super great.

Couldn’t decide which thread to post in. LOL Law or LOL Media. Help me choose.

Some both-sidesing of John Roberts being a lying right-wing twat. Prolly leaning LOL Law I guess. But porque no los dos?..
Jamie Raskin at least gets quoted later.

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The answer is this one, where it was already posted.

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Yep. LOL Law.
John Roberts is a right-wing turd with just a fake knowledge of judicial independence. And he’s the big boss of the entire US judicial system.

Fuck You John Roberts!

John Roberts want to be respected and doesn’t want you to think the Supreme Court is a bunch of Republicans.


Time is a three-dimensional square



Man, you know what else puts judicial independence at risk, John???

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Even the WSJ article on that horseshit was like “we’re all looking for the guy who did this.”

The chief justice said nothing about the Supreme Court’s own actions that might have contributed to a diminished public standing, including a string of conservative decisions that independents and Democrats consider partisan rather than principled and a refusal to adopt an enforceable code of conduct despite ethical clouds surrounding some justices’ behavior.

In December, a report by the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Democratic staff found that the “Supreme Court has mired itself in an ethical crisis of its own making by failing to address justices’ ethical misconduct for decades,” citing actions by appointees of both Democratic and Republican presidents but focusing particularly on “lavish gifts” Justice Clarence Thomas and the late Justice Antonin Scalia accepted from billionaires but didn’t report on financial disclosure forms.

Polls have shown a sharp decline in the court’s public approval since 2020, when then-President Donald Trump cemented a conservative supermajority by appointing a third justice. In 2024, the court helped pave the way for Trump’s November re-election in separate cases reversing lower court decisions that could have held him to account for actions related to the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol by his supporters.


When does a President and the Senate act more “politically” than on the nomination and confirmation of Supreme Court Justices? Everyone in the process see Justices as political pawns. Maybe Roberts should suggest changing that.

I was just reading some random news article and saw a mention of a governor visiting Netanyahu after the Oct. 7 attack. It got me to thinking: I’ve seen stuff like this plenty of times - a state governor visiting another country’s president/prime minister/etc. I find it kind of weird. If I were that national leader, I’d be like, “Who the fuck is this guy?” and remind my assistant to check with me before scheduling visits.

Uh, yeah, thanks for all your support…governor of…Oklahoma or something?

Or when some member of the House visits Ukraine. I’m sure your visit has put the wind beneath Zelenskyy’s wings as he fights off a world super power.


Haha, I think about this a lot too. Or when a mayor goes over to visit a head of state.

Depends on the state, really.

Governor of California coming to visit? Roll out the red carpet.

Governor of Kentucky coming? Sorry, I have to wash my hair that day.


Late last night got a message on the software the school uses for everything that was sent to all staff. It’s a lengthy and graphic confession of love from a student to the woman who is the primary disciplinarian. An AI video was attached, that I have not and will not watch, that is apparently porn.

My first high school job in China from 2015-19 was the cushiest job ever and students were well-behaved and brought no stress. Neither did the boss. It wasn’t perfect, but goddamn does it feel like it was in retrospect.

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OK, your company sends the weirdest phishing emails.


Most Governors and Mayors that go overseas don’t meet the head of state unless the country is pretty darn small. There are plenty of other people who are worth talking to.

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Did the student identify themself?

It was sent from the relevant student but obviously was hacked.

Crowds of diehard supporters were gathered near the presidential residence despite frigid temperatures, with some camping there overnight. Many of those backing the leader – widely seen as a conservative firebrand and staunch US ally tough on China and North Korea – held signs with the phrase “Stop the steal” printed in English, while others waved American flags.

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