2024 LC Thread

I’m fine if the dead person is the truck driver.

I had to stop my road raging ways, my life was being threatened way too often. The only way to exist here is to let the psychos be psychos and just stay out of their way. It’s hard, I still curse them, but I am not looking to die on these streets.

When people run stop signs in the early AM when I’m walking my dog or running I still sometimes FA, hoping that I never end up with the FO part.

lol cmon man you think I’m going 34 in a 35 and start racing a grandma because she wants to drive faster than me?

I do agree that seeing someone do something dangerous and saying fuck it hold my beer is making the situation more dangerous, sure.

the first of the two road rage incidents in one drive story was a dude in a new m4 who swerved around construction truck and almost hit me and then barely stopped in time at the next light and almost hit another car and and at that point I realized he had his dog in the passenger seat.

yea im known to flash a middle finger every now and again but the amount of psychotic, angering, dangerous, and plain weird stuff you see driving in LA, you’d just be constantly angry. it’s some of the most difficult and stressful driving ive ever done. I can’t really remember any times where I got mad enough to what people describe though and not about the same stuff. like to me getting mad someone is passing you is insane, like who cares. the stuff that makes me the most annoyed is careless or reckless driving that forces me to take action that I consider less than ideal or dangerous. I am extremely generous at letting people merge (which they will refuse to do sometimes, out of fear or whatever, and im forced to slam on the gas to pass quickly) and consider myself overall a very courteous driver, but reading this has made me realize im probably pissing all sorts of people off for reasons i dont and wont understand. one thing that drives me nuts is when people get mad at you for not wanting to race them, how small is your dick dude to even want to do that ?


Yeah I had to realize I wasn’t going to change the world doing this, I’m not teaching anybody a lesson, I’m just getting my rocks off being a jerk too.

I assume 90% of the people driving erratically are either drunk, on drugs, or having a mental breakdown. There’s no point getting involved.

upon reflection i do one asshole thing, i learned tesla autopilot basically will always let you cut them off, so if i see some douchey cybertruck chad not paying any attention to the road ive cut them off and brake checked a few times

Weird Al isn’t a rock star, he’s a comedian who works in music, not the same thing. His big mistake was polka.

When someone is driving slow in front of me on the highway, I always let the people behind me pass first. Defensive driving is the only way now with people driving so bad.

I don’t know how you drive. I do know that people regularly drive below the speed limit and accelerate to a reasonable speed whenever there is a safe passing opportunity, then return to driving slow as fuck if you didn’t gun it to get around them. I don’t drive like a maniac so my only experience with that mentality is in people who just want to impose their ego on all other drivers. Not that doing the same thing to someone who does drive like a maniac is really any more reasonable.

Japan is the most polite, law-abiding country in the world. Except when it comes to driving. In Japan, stopping at a crosswalk when pedestrians are crossing is optional. You’ve been warned.

Also, they drive on the wrong side of the road, so if you’re not careful when crossing and look the wrong way out of habit, you can get mowed down.

if i had to hazard a guess this only works because the burden is placed on the pedestrian to avoid being dismembered and american pedestrians think they should be able to just walk into traffic without consequence, plus the likely much larger size and damage profile of american vehicles. the pedestrian deaths around where I live are absolutely ridiculous and I’m good with gore and stuff but Ive seen one too many corpses now, pedestrians just walk wherever the hell they feel like + are usually drunk or distracted + also drunk and distracted drivers. that seems like a problem japan could not have

and here I can’t get cars to go past me they wave me over and it’s like, no I don’t want to walk in front of a vehicle that might plow into me. You go.

In Tokyo, I was amazed at how almost everyone would wait to cross a single lane street if the light was red. I’m surprised to hear that the drivers don’t follow the rules.

I walk 20 miles a week. Drives me nuts when cars try to stop when I’m not even at the intersection yet. Just fucking go, I won’t even have to slow down.

But I don’t want to wave them at a busy intersection, just in case I wave them into getting t-boned or something. So I usually turn and pretend like I’m not crossing, then once they go I turn back and cross.


This is quite true, despite the fact that legally, the pedestrian has the right of way just as in the States.

You may have seen some of the videos on social media of young school children bowing deeply to cars after they cross. That’s a real thing.

And even an adult at a crosswalk with the right of way will tend to rush across the street and bow in abject apology when crossing for making the driver wait.

This is also true. At any intersection or crossing with even a reasonable amount of traffic, jaywalking is practically non-existent (people will sometimes Jaywalk across narrow streets when there’s clearly no oncoming traffic though).

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Here’s Reuters:

Cows in California are dying at much higher rates from bird flu than in other affected states, industry and veterinary experts said, and some carcasses have been left rotting in the sun as rendering plants struggle to process all the dead animals.

…Infected herds in California are seeing mortality rates as high as 15% or 20%, compared to 2% in other states, said Keith Poulsen, a veterinarian and director of the Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory who has researched bird flu.

The California Department of Food and Agriculture did not respond to questions about the mortality rate from bird flu.

Does this remind you of anything? Must we wait until the human morgues are overrun?

The case fatality rate for cows appears to be low but significant, perhaps 2%. A small number of pigs have also been infected. On the other hand, over 100 million chickens, turkeys and ducks have been killed or culled.

There have now been 66 cases in humans in the US. Moreover, the CDC reports that in at least one case the virus appears to have evolved within its human host to become more infectious. We don’t know that for sure but it’s not good news. Recall that in theory a single mutation will make the virus much more capable of infecting humans.


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Yeah, I just stare at my phone when I want them to go first.


The high school I teach at allows, and often requires, students to have iPads/laptops in the classroom and it’s an absolute shitshow.

Kids are constantly messing around on them during class, and the boss blames the teachers if they walk by and catch it happening. A stupid amount of class time is spent confiscating them for the rest of class. We’ve been instructed to hand them to the boss, but of course that is just proof that our lessons are insufficiently engaging (to a class where the majority of kids have absolutely no business taking AP classes). Any attempt to speak with the boss is taken as telling on yourself.

The kids don’t have a physical copy of the textbook so sometimes it is necessary to let them have their devices out

This is the first (of three) high schools I’ve taught at in China where none of the foreign teachers are some degree of unqualified/outright creeps and it is by far the worst at serving actual educational purposes.