2024 LC Thread

This feels like an attack to me.

Ok. :roll_eyes:

I said nothing about the utility of gun laws, I was comparing the arguments.

“Why should I have to give up my phone when I’m not the problem?”

“Why should I have to give up my gun when I’m not the problem?”

Both are dumb.

Apparently not.

I never claimed at any point my issue was I’m not a problem therefore the pouches are dumb which is why your analogy is dumb. I have made a utility argument from the start. This is why I said you must be trolling as you were arguing a position I was clearly not taking.

“Also, I can’t emphasize enough the primary reason this is stupid is it ONLY harms the people who have no intention of shooting anyone”



Sorry that no one is agreeing with you then. Better luck on the next windmill.

I’d argue that the main concern is giving customers an experience where they aren’t surrounded by phones being out, not to specifically stop piracy. How would you measure the utility of that?

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Agree that adds utility but wasn’t the main purpose being discussed.

I’ve been to several tool shows and they enforce this utility with social pressure. Works fine.

I was going to offer to bet someone the company is out of business in 5 years but with more reading they are moving to schools as a main focus where the utility is more obvious. I wonder if that is because they recognize it’s a dumb system to prevent recording at shows.

What’s that?

For at least some performers, I think that eliminating the distraction of people with their phones out is the major issue and preventing piracy is at best a minor issue, so in some cases I think you’re focusing on the utility of a less important issue.

followup: lots of pilot channels I trust say they think it was a missed go around, which is when you abort a landing, but the flaps thing still doesnt make sense to me. you would have a different configuration if you intended to go round. it does explain why despite the 2 mile long runway how they still went long if it was intentional. no reverse thrust apparently applied either, but that can be explained by the engine hitting the ground. gonna be a great air crash investigation episode. I’m also curious about how the survivors managed to survive that. Usually when this happens is because people were lucky and got ejected before the explosion, but if you watch the video, it explodes so fast and at such high speed I cannot imagine how anyone survives it

Technical Analysis here:

Really interesting that he has a huge problem with that super-sturdy obstacle at the end of the runway. Makes sense.

Hi Dennis, I am a retired Australian ATC with 35 years in aviation. All ILS and associated navaid installations should be engineered to ICAO standards which means they should be frangible inside the runway safety area. This makes sure any obstacles cause minimal damage with an impact with a vehicle or aircraft.
I was horrified to see the construction of an embankment and other concrete forms within the runways safety area (as it appears from this video).
The pilots did an excellent and valiant job keeping the aircraft aligned with the centreline as much as they could with no steering control.
This would have been a mostly survivable accident if not for the badly designed runway infrastructure.


this is a good analysis, just gives me a few more questions. it does seem something very odd happened here, go around theory seems stronger to me watching that and thinking about it more

Or, there are a lot more schools than there are indian casinos and other small performance venues to sell to…

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Ya I’m sure that’s the case as well. I’ll say I’m more sold in the logic of the idea in some contexts than when I first experienced it.

Another really annoying feature though is the pouch is so large it doesn’t fit in your pocket so you are forced to sort of balance it on your lap for 3 hours or however long the show lasts.

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The Jinkx and Dela Christmas show was awesome. Hilarious. Was really fun to see it with a huge queer audience and in Portland which is Jinkx’s hometown. It was way better than the Sarah Silverman show which cost 5x as much.

Its like regular shows but with an odd time signature so its sophisticated.