2024 LC Thread

why it’s weird: landing gear failure has been known to happen, but you dont just try to yolo a landing full speed into the tarmac if you know. you try to troubleshoot as long as possible before you either run out of fuel or are forced by other factors. no one just tries to belly land without gear unless they have to, and what factors caused that decision? What was the failure here? This is a component that is built to almost never fail. So coming out and immediately saying “looks like landing gear failure” just doesnt make sense from this autistic airline crash dork’s viewpoint. but maybe boeings really are this shitty. It’s possible to land one of these with no gear or engines, an example is the gimli glider, but you dont do what they seemed to do in the videos ive seen. I dont want to link the video here because it is terrible but it looks like they came down thinking their landing gear was available, but it wasnt. thats a way worse failure than just landing gear, they would get a shitload of warnings and alarms if they tried to configure a landing like that. some experts have noted their flap configuration didnt look right either (the things that slow the plane down). Just really weird and tragic.


Children’s lit

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Yeah I noticed the flaps weren’t up. Seems like that would have helped slow it down.

One reason comedians do this is to prevent people from making phone calls or otherwise using their phone in a way that is distracting. It’s not that different from some restaurants that also ban phones.

Not sure why you need your phone during the show.


I’m sure clovis’ problem has little to do with not using the phone during the show. At least I suspect that is not the main problem. The main problem is that any show that uses the pouches forces you into a situation where you are in a very slow 30 minimum line to enter the theater. Exit is a bit faster, but not much. Getting everyone’s phone in and out of a locked pouch takes time. A lot of time.

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Schools all over the world use these pouches too.

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I want one of those pouches for my daily life.


All to not solve anything.

Why are comedians more sensitive than musicians, politicians, spoken word artists, drag shows or any other countless performers that has been able to work fine without this?

Also, I can’t emphasize enough the primary reason this is stupid is it ONLY harms the people who have no intention of recording the show. For someone wanting to record it the system is trivially easy to circumvent.

I agree with you but I think what Melkerson said about having less people to be suspicious about is a valid reason, at least in the promoters minds. Mind you I remember a time when any recording equipment was banned but when smartphones became ubiquitous it was ‘oh yeah that’s no big deal after all’.

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I agree it’s an issue, especially as has been pointed out to test new material. I just don’t think this solution solves it at all.

I literally could have used my watch to record the audio and nobody would have known.

Edit: can anyone explain the being wanded before you leave if you go to the cell phone use area but not when you enter the venue? That one truly baffled us all.

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Kinda like how gun laws only harm responsible gun owners.


Congrats. You win the award for worst analogy of 2024.

The jokes get spoiled entirely. For music the recording quality obviously. Politicians would love you to record and repost. Spoken word artists are lucky you came to the library basement in the first place.


I was under the impression the phones were being taken because of woke.


have you had to put your phone in a pouch for a 3-hour comedy show? it’s brutal.

both times i’ve gone to see chappelle they’ve done it. like, kick me out if i’m recording, but treat me like a child.


I expect the artists don’t want to do it, the venue doesn’t want to do it, it costs money to do it and I expect plan b for these artists is to not do the shows at all.

Don’t bring your phone in. Even a child can figure that out.

There are a million reasons someone could need their phone or be available in an emergency.

Clovis posted his whine in the wrong thread.