2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

As a former PC guy, I’ll never go back. Everything is just so much smoother, and you don’t have to worry about viruses for the most part.

And having the notes app and texting synced between my phone, home computer and work computer is a killer app that’s totally captured me.

Yes there are other notes apps, but somehow they always add a million things I don’t need and fuck up the basic stuff. I just need instant syncing between all devices, ability to group notes into folders, and ability to paste screenshots and images into notes. That’s it.


Kill two kids driving high on meth on your (at least) 3rd DWI and somehow it’s not an arrestable offense.

Apple is really allergic to making things obvious. They love little icons where they could have text and where the icon is too obvious like for power, they just leave the button blank. It’s stylish.

We cannot figure out how to allow my wife’s mac to aend text messages to my android

What sucks is Microsoft follows them in everything they do. This it Outlook header for Mac.

All that ridiculous wasted space for the word “Inbox” and “Yesterday”. I can see like 3 emails in the default list view.

And you’d barely know those headers floating amidst a sea of white are clickable. When you click them they do nothing for like a second, including no indication they’ve been clicked, then finally the mail sorts.

Clickable elements that have any kind of border, indication they can be clicked, or give feedback that they’ve been clicked are so 2013.

Only one that comes to mind is JD Vance.

Try signing out and signing back with your apple ID in the messages settings. And make sure it’s sending from her phone number, not her email.

Really? I thought the M3 out benchmarked everything. Obviously it won’t beat a comp with a dedicated graphics card monster at frame rate stuff.

Outlook sucks. MS Office sucks. Edge sucks. But so does Safari and I’ve never used Apple for any of that stuff. I’ve used Google for that stuff for a long time.

What I know about it is daughter is in a university program called “Games and Playable Media” and the people who are most into game development get high end PCs. She’s more into design and art and has a Mac.

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It was one of these.


Wiki says it was still being sold in '04 so it was covered with dust but not that old when I saw it. I eventually turned it on by fumbling around with it, but I didn’t know how I did it because the response was slow.

All I knew about Apple was their stuff was supposed to be super intuitive. Jobs was very proud of how easy it was for non-technical people to use his products. I thought if you can’t figure it out you had to be dumb, so I was glad no one was around to see me struggle.

I think the only Apple gear I ever owned were ipods I got at Pokerstars. Those were pretty cool but I gave them to my nieces when I got my first smartphone, Android ofc.

Should I shop around for adolescent braces (mild issues)? I see that my dental insurance basically gives me $1000 towards it lifetime but does it still get billed through the dental insurance? Worth it to get multiple opinions?

Setting aside price, I think you should get multiple different opinions because of the different regimens that exist. For example, even invisalign vs standard braces will get you a different answer depending on which orthodontist you visit.

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Apple does a bit of a big lie imo. This is especially true of the iPhone. All, and I mean all, of my mother in law’s 80 something peers are sold on how they must have iPhones and how easy they make things. And they all swear how easy they are despite how they all take iPhone classes (yes, every senior center has iPhone classes) and they still constantly need family support and go to the Apple store all the time.

You are told over and over how easy they are and if you have a problem with your apple id or you can’t just guess what some icon is or don’t just know where settings or files are it must be because you’re hopeless.

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Nothing about computers is intuitive. It’s all what you’re used to show somebody who hasn’t used a computer and neither Apple‘s nor Windows will be any easier for them to use.

I teach a techniques class to graduate students on occasion and if there is one thing I know it is that the students with Macs (about 90% typically) don’t have the first idea about how anything works including how to save a file anywhere other then the downloads folder. My syllabus literally has links to youtubes so they can learn what a directory is and all that.

I require that they use an open source application for some assignments. The program has a clean MacOS installer, however, since the community never bothers to submit the application to the Apple QC or whatever, uses will be prompted for their admin credentials to install. This will inevitably freak out most of the class, I have literally had multiple students tell me that they will have to drop the course because their computer won’t let them do the work.


I basically only create/delete folders and move files around on my Mac from the command line.

Like when I go to finder I only get to start in some “Favorite”? Where’s my home directory? Where’s root? How do you ever navigate to parent directories in Finder? Fuck it. Open Terminal.

If I really wanted to use a graphical interface to do anything with files even if they aren’t part of a software project on the Mac? I guess I just do that in Visual Studio anyway.

The vast majority of people do not know or care about these things and don’t need to.

If somebody asked “what is better/easier for software projects” I would not know the answer, but could totally believe that the answer is PCs. Most people use their personal laptop for surfing the web, email, etc.

MacOS is great for software projects, but you ought to know how to use the terminal if you’re doing software and the terminal (*nix) for Macs is much better than the terminal for windows.

But…for the casual user, like I have a bunch of folders and I make subfolders to keep stuff organized - like say documents for my last job (Solar) - just contracts and documents and stuff for clients - I think the graphical Windows interface for navigating the file system is much better than Macs. (or maybe I’m just not finding the right tool on Mac, which is possible because Apple likes to keep things clean and smooth, ie hidden and obscure.

And if all you do is the web and email, a Chromebook is really the ticket. I would not be using either Apple or Windows software for those things anyway.

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I’m a PC only guy. The only thing I’ve ever been jealous about Macs is the terminal. The rest is just you’re paying for what you’re getting (quality builds, monitor, etc.) and there generally is a pc equivalent