2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Has anyone ever been more desperate and power thirsty than Stefanik. Zero subtly or charisma.

This really is one of the greatest things Iā€™ve seen in a long time.


Should I get a MacBook? Iā€™ve only ever had PCs. This would be for personal use.

Depends what for. If you just surf the web and do light word processing then I would say no. If you do any kind of heavy work like video etc then yes.

Just light work. Iā€™m looking at the Air line, not the Pro line if that makes a difference.

I am an Apple guy. I donā€™t think the gap in ease of use is as huge as it once was, but I still think Macs are a lot more user friendly than PCs.

With that said, moving between ecosystems can be infuriating. Would this be your first foray overall into the Apple world? Do you have an iPhone?

You are welcome for the PLA, by the way. (My big professional claim to fame, of course when we developed the process in the 90s and started the plant in 2002, 3D printing was not on the horizon).

(Make lactic acid by fermentation and then the chemistry takes over to polymerize).


I have an iPhone and would probably just use Google docs for stuff on the laptop

Being able to send and receive texts from my computer is pretty huge for me, so based on that alone Iā€™d say yeah, get a Macbook.


If you donā€™t have any windows specific apps switching shouldnā€™t be a problem. The Airs are great machines and once you figure out how to shut apps down and give up on cutting and pasting files youā€™ll be fine.


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Today I had to break the news that 2Pac is dead to my daughter


Yes, but have you broken the news about Xpac yet?



The most powerful graphics/game machines are PCs and not only gamers, but game developers use them. So, it at least depends on what type of work the heavy work is.

I mostly use a MacBook Pro and love it. The screen and speakers and keyboard are all great. The OS is great and much better than Windows for my work.

Butā€¦I didnā€™t have to pay for it. Sounds like thereā€™s nothing you need that really matters for Mac vs PC and PCs are cheaper and Iā€™m sure you can get good speakers and screen on a PC too, Iā€™ve just always bought really cheap PCs so I havenā€™t had that.

I use both and think Windows is more intuitive and has been for a long time.

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I use Windows 95% of the time and until now I assumed that I found Windows more intuitive solely because itā€™s pretty much all I use.

THE great thing about Macs is that the OS is a Unix skin and econophile wonā€™t do anything with that. Also the speakers are awesome.

Yeah, the right answer for econophile is almost surely to just get what heā€™s used to.

I found an old Mac in a school lab once. I had never used one and I wanted to see what it was like but I couldnā€™t figure out how to turn it on. That experience scarred me for life.