2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Sigh. I was forced to search through the account’s playlists and even favorited a couple of other courses to check out later! Fucking Youtube.

I admit I don’t know much about him but I would’ve assumed Luke Combs to be more of a truck guy. :person_shrugging:

If my phone is so “smart” why does it default to safe search when I’m in incognito mode?


You need to put this together with Philosophy raptor and put it in the Meme thread

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I still say the dems should nominate the Unknown Candidate, identity to be revealed only after the election.



lol this is more than the value of Microsoft and Apple combined, this guy is a total fraud


What SoftBank doing?



Found this statistic interesting:

A Gallup analysis published in March 2020 looked at data collected by the U.S. Department of Education in 2012, 2014, and 2017. It found that 130 million adults in the country have low literacy skills, meaning that more than half (54%) of Americans between the ages of 16 and 74 read below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level, according to a piece published in 2022 by APM Research Lab.

Snopes says it’s basically accurate. Do More Than Half of Americans Read Below 6th-Grade Level? | Snopes.com

So if you wonder how the MAGA movement can exist, this seems quite explanatory, particularly given the low educational attainment of Trump supporters.

I’ve been raving for years that people, by in large, are basically morons. I think most people need to recalibrate their sense of the “average American.”

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*by and large

Sorry, couldn’t help myself.


Oh no, in 10 years, Altman is going to end up as a mega billionaire buying up social media outlets to spew racist propaganda. The new Riverman curse.

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Hmm, never knew that. Thankfully I don’t think I’ve used the phrase much.

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Well, I think you had to.

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In 3D printing news I’ve made a bunch of useful stuff and am finding myself more interested in art/decor.

We have a really cool porcelain owl statue in our house from the 1960s. I scanned it using Polycam, cleaned it up in Tinkercad, printed it in transparent PLA+, added a color-changing LED base that I bought, and made a lamp!


Speaking of future shit, this is surprisingly more functional out in the real world than I would have imagined. The latency is astoundingly low.

I’ve been wanting to get a 3D printer but I know I’ll just print a few things off Thingiverse, say “Neat!”, and then it’ll just sit there unused so I’m living vicariously through your prints.


That was my fear as well. That day may come, but for now it’s really juiced whichever side of my brain is the creative one.

How much are you spending on the fluid?

Not a ton. Resin printers use fluid, for non-resin printers like mine you buy reels of solid filament.

There are a wide variety of filament types, and a universe of brands and variations. So far I’ve only used the most user-friendly, which is PLA. 1kg reels of PLA can range in price from like $15 to $30+. The owl lamp I posted above used 41g of filament. So you can do a lot with one reel.

The next step in strength and durability is PETG which I’ll try soon. My understanding is that it’s more finicky. Keeping filament dry is very key for all types, but a lot of people keep PETG in special dryers/warmers to keep it working well.