2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

This dude Mehmed II ended the Roman empire and at the same time dated Dracula’s younger brother, what a life.

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Much easier to say you won’t take chemo when you don’t have cancer.

I think Steve Jobs tried something like that. It didn’t work for him, but maybe it will work for Charles.


I will keep him in my deepest prayers.

Follow up:




It wont

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In case anyone wants to relive this. Tomorrow 8 pm ABC.

Yeah, reminds me of that congresscritter (?Scalise) who was against stem cell use, but when it was beneficial for whatever disease he had, he was all like “Shoot that shit right into my fucking veins ASAP”.


I maintain that calling any last remnants of the Roman empire that don’t include Rome “the Roman Empire” is a farce (Mehmet ended the Byzantine empire, and the Roman empire was already dead at that point, even if they used the claim for legitimacy), but it’s no small accomplishment.

When Mehmed II besieged Constantinople he had a cannon so goddamn big it fired rounds that weighed over 1,000 lb and could only be fired once every three hours. Also, he dated Vlad the Impaler’s younger brother.

Taylor Swift taking a page out of the Elon Musk playbook.

Sorry, Tay Tay. I do love how you get those MAGA lawnmowers in orbit, but I’m afraid you and your attorneys can go pound sand on this one.

This is a fairly contentious issue. The Eastern Roman Empire thought of itself as Rome and still had a lot of power. Things went down hill after Islam arrived on the scene but there were plenty of ups and downs before 1453.

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Mehmed II considered himself to be the Emperor of Rome. Also, he fought a war with Dracula and won. Then he dated Dracula’s brother. And he turned the Hagia Sophia into a mosque, what a baller.


Watched this illuminating lecture (and the entire course) a few weeks ago.

“While we call it the Eastern Roman Empire or the Byzantine Empire, they called themselves The Roman Empire, no adjectives, no qualifications.”

Professor Freedman focuses on the question of how the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire survived, while the West collapsed in the fifth century. He begins with a brief overview of Procopius’ Secret History, a work which presents a highly critical account of the reign of the emperor Justinian. The more urbanized, economically stronger, and geographically more stable Eastern Empire was able to survive while the West was dismantled by barbarian tribes. Yet under pressure from its old enemy, Persia, and new threats, the Slavs and Avars in the West and Arabs in the East, the Eastern Empire experienced a decline in the seventh century. Against the background of this political instability, Professor Freedman also discusses the Christological controversies of Nestorianism and Monophysitism which plagued the Church in the East. Beginning in the late seventh century, Iconoclasm also added to the pressures facing the Eastern Church and Empire.

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Nooooooooooooo that was the last thing I needed: some online courses that I find somewhat interesting and and lead to me spending even more time on youtube.


Exactly what I would expect a west British empirist to say.

Finally got to see the Chapman grammy performance, albeit in terrible quality.

Its incredible. Fast Car has always been one of those songs that hits in all the right places. Its the story of America and the people in it told in 5 minutes. One of the few perfect songs out there.