2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune


And is that
44% of all new useful drugs
44% of all new “just different enough to extend the patent” drugs
44% of drugs that primarily help rich people with insurance drugs

Of the 44% are they exclusively developed in the US, or heavily dependent on research and testing in jurisdictions with different health and funding regimes?

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You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like:

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3 days of rain and I’m ready to put my head in the oven. No idea how you people do this.

Unfortunately my oven is electric, so that would be a really painful way to go.

That’s the most Coloradan thing I’ve heard you say for a long time.

Same same (although I do have a gas oven). Maybe if it happened more often we’d be used to it.

3D printing is sustaining me.

The rain isn’t bothering me. I still look back fondly on my time in and think about returning to the PNW.


Could you 3D print me a new roof? I’ve got pots and pans spread out all over my attic.

Same, this has been a bit of a nice reprieve.

The United Auto Workers Union says it has signed up the majority of employees at Volkswagen AG’s Tennessee plant, teeing up a high-stakes test of the union’s ability to expand its ranks following its record Detroit contract wins.



After 15 years of uninterrupted sunshine in SoCal, I treasure every rainy day, and where I live there are a lot of them.

this sounds like it’s true for $$$ amounts, but not by number of treatments. also what is “new”? like developed in the last 10 years?

This was basically Garcia’s campaign!


Got a letter from Vanguard that said there was a change to my security code settings. A secondary phone number was added to my account on 2/1 - apparently it’s a possible number that a security code could be sent to. Well, I don’t know that number and I certainly didn’t add it, so I called them.

They showed me how to remove it and when I asked how the fuck it was possible for it to be there in the first place, they said that there had been some system updates and there were some “glitches” that added numbers to accounts.

Um…ok then?



Did you guys know that Dracula had a younger brother named Radu The Handsome who had an affair with the Ottoman king who took down the Roman empire?

Guess we’re just going to broadcast the red shirts assaulting people. I’m sure things will improve when Trump is elected.


Just assume that every team of developers at every company that isn’t FAANG have no clue what they are doing.

You really should re-balance your portfolio. Too much Asian market exposure.

Thanks for the loan, btw

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Hard to believe, but I just overheard the loudest right wing trumper in the cigar lounge proclaim he likes Bill Maher and watches him regularly. “He’s a really smart guy.”