2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Can’t stop watching that Fast Car duet.


fixed that for ya

I wish I could find the tweet but it said something like: The great american novel has been written and it’s Tracy Chapman’s “Fast Car”

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found it


We love it too. I watch a decent amount of food network stuff but baking never did anything for me, i still really enjoy it for some reason.

Baking is hard. Even if it’s just brownies I think “Do I really want to do this?”

last week o thought about it in a different way, like if i get paid 24x a year, on a leap year i’m definitely working an extra day this year :-1:t3:

My issue with leap years is how they add an extra day to February, which is one of the worst months. Should add it to May or October when the weather is much better.


The Democratic mayor of San Francisco is pushing a pair of controversial public safety proposals on the March 5 ballot, including one that would require single adults on welfare be screened and treated for illegal drug addiction or else lose cash assistance.

Jesus Christ no. It’s one thing to say maybe we need to be harder on drug addicts in public places in the name of public order. It’s another to be cutting off their food.

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This makes some sense to me.

The ballot measure would replace that question with a more rigorous screening test that would be verified by an addiction specialist. If substance abuse is found, Rhorer said, the specialist and applicant would agree on treatment options that include residential care, a 12-step program, individual counseling and replacement medication.

There is no requirement that the person be sober, only that they make good-faith efforts to attend their program, with the hope that “at one point a light bulb will go off,” Rhorer said.

The measure calls for the city to pay the rent of those accepted into the program for 30 days or longer to avoid eviction. About 30% of the people who fatally overdosed in 2023 were homeless, and more were living in subsidized city housing.

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OK that’s fair

Our mayor is so bad

That’s what a 12-year-old boy would do if he were mayor of New York for a day.


There’s like 8 million people in NYC, right?

Can’t you get just one mayor who is boringly competent?

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You New Yorkers need to explain yourselves, why do you let a man-child run the city?

Wait until you see who is running for President


Not gonna lie, seeing my own name on a public ballot that was sent to 90k registered Democrats in my district is pretty surreal.



“You should be thanking us!”

It’s such a lie. The researchers do not care who is signing their paychecks. There is no need for corporate ownership of the drugmaking and drugselling process. There’s no increase in the speed of advancement.

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You sure? Doesn’t US produce 44% of all new drugs globally.

It’s probably true in some aspect but when saying Americans are getting “overcharged” (compared to the normal charge) you’re kind of defeating you’re own argument. It just leads to the position that the cost of R & D should be shared internationally