2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I converted a couple years ago and there’s no going back for me. Best laptop I’ve ever used by far. Especially as an iPhone user. Everything always synched with no effort.

I use finder, you just have to set it show hidden files and customize your left-hand menu to the places you usually go. Also TotalFinder is great.

I will say that the single most ridiculous Apple paradigm is this idea that to move a file you have to drag it from one folder, then up a giant folder tree, then down another to finally find your folder, hovering on each folder to open it as you go. When in Windows you just use Ctrl-X, navigate to the folder you want, then Ctrl-V. TotalFinder adds those completely standard shortcuts in.

I’ve gotten into arguments with Mac nerds that “Why would you ever want to do that? What does Ctrl-X on a file before you know where you’re going to paste it even mean?” Fuck you, just do it like Windows.

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The vast majority of people do not know or care about these things and don’t need to.

Which is just awesome when your dad goes to the computer repair place and they say “Did you back up your important files?” and he calls you in a blind panic and you have to try to explain to him how to find his My Documents folder (and pray he actually put his shit there) while you’re stuck in traffic on the 405.

People should at least know where they’re storing shit and understand what a filesystem is.

Ok, thanks for the encouragement to customize it a bit. I put my home directory in my favorites and that should be all I need to navigate where I want.

They key is showing hidden files, otherwise it’s useless for any kind of programming.

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I don’t yet see how to universally show hidden files, but maybe I’ll keep looking. I am ~always looking at the file system through Visual Studio and the Terminal when I’m programming though and “ls -al” shows hidden files.

Cmd-Shift-[period] duh, just common sense really.

I think there’s also a way to turn it on or off with terminal. With TotalFinder it’s a setting. The only downside with total finder is you have to do this weird boot thing to get it to work, and it breaks with every new MacOS and you have to do it over again. But dual mode is glorious:

This is why I can’t just live in Terminal (or git clients vs. SourceTree). I’m a visual thinker. I need to see things all at once.

I see. I had seen that cmd shift period, but was hovering over the wrong spot. On my Mac you can cmd shift period in any folder you’re in and they toggle on and off.

Totalfinder does look good. More like Windows.

I was kind of shocked to see that even programming students don’t know what the file structure is on a computer. They taught AP Computer Science at my kids’ HS learning in a sandbox on a website and my daughter got an A in the class and when she was taking some programming in college I had to tell her about the file system.

Everything should be in the cloud imo. But I agree.

I just had a stroke thinking about trying to get my dad onto the cloud.

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Oh yeah. My phone was recently stolen and I didn’t even lose my texts.

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My m-i-l is only 5 minutes away, not half-way across the country, so I try to just get her to let me do whatever it is (or one of my kids if they are around) instead of trying to guide her through something.

Mountains in LA are beautiful today.


Fuck no. Jesus why would you have to ask? “I’m a lifelong metalhead, should I get into barbershop quartets?”

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I’m still mad at Apple for giving us those hockey puck mice back in the 90s.

Set up remote desktop for your dad

My brother did this and it’s a game changer for our dad.

I still have PTSD from trying to talk my dad through downloading and connecting to zoom during covid fully remote.

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most of my old unix-loving dinosaurs nowadays like windows better because of WSL

yes, absolutely


I am regularly spun out of control how we treat dwi with such weak penalties.

I heard this story the other day about a guy who killed a guy who had hit him and his wife drunk leaving them both disabled and injured for life. The guy got 18 months. (Well he was murdered too but perhaps if he were appropriately punished people would feel the need to do something).

Dwi s are literally the only crimes I feel are under punished pretty much across the board. I am for more lenient sentences for a lot of other things, but dwi is whack.

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Why should there be lenient sentencing on other crimes but not dwi’s?