2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

The new Tosh podcast is quite good. The general concept is that he doesnt want to interview celebrities and famous people, so instead he will interview people who he finds interesting, both people in his life and randoms. The first episode was with his wife OBGYN, and the one below he spends 30 minutes interviewing the griftiest grifter Ive ever seen (ok maybe not ever, Im pretty sure that honor goes to the Tyler guy, psychic to the stars) ($550 for her to do a session [alone in her house using just a picture]) to talk to your pet and find out what they need. Its great.

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Basically it’s Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend then, right?

Tosh holds a special spot in my life I’ll check that out. I met my wife at a standup show of his.


I thought Conan interviewed celebrities there. Havent listened to much of it

Some celebrities, some normal people

If I could do a poker podcast, I would interview “normal” people about why they play poker.

I think the ongoing search for a normal person who plays poker could be a decades-long series. Like, every week find someone who seems normal and keep asking them questions until you find out what’s wrong with them and then you can ring a bell or something


By “normal”, I mean mostly non-pros. And probably not famous for other reasons.

Reminds me of this


This would actually be a lot of fun, if and only if you could guarantee the person you brought on had never listened to the show before.

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Interesting Florida law requiring elected officials to disclose certain financial things like net worth, home address, and any high value items they own with a value over $1k. Kinda funny to see “small government” types enact these sort of regulations.

Lotta white stars, and Bosa is full Trumpkin

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has launched lawsuits against the cities of Austin, San Marcos, Killeen, Elgin, and Denton for adopting amnesty and non-prosecution policies that violate Texas laws concerning marijuana possession and distribution.

Paxton is so stupid

His white supporters know the weed laws will never be applied to them.

You can never have enough cudgels to selectively enforce.

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Interesting post about taxes, inequality, a progressive taxation.

Cliffs: you can have regressive taxation and even regressive spending and reduce inequality as long as you’re less regressive than the market

when you can do whatever the fuck you want with no repercussions and only benefits i dont think it can be called stupid anymore…

cheat on your wife and get the state house to pay for your mistress- stupid? well he got away with it, so nope not stupid.

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Related - it is difficult to describe how crappy they made the Prime Music app. They intentionally made it so that playlists that may have hundreds of songs only shuffle the first 50.

Yeesh, don’t tap the glass.

Regular reminder that Ken Paxton has been under indictment for securities fraud since 2015. Business as usual.

edit: looks like this was properly noted in the Trump thread. It really is ridiculous.

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Any SoCal folks gonna check this out?