2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Maybe per capita, but obv with California being the most populous, total pedestrain deaths being highest here makes sense

I avoid this issue by not driving a car.

I avoid this issue by not being a pedestrian.

people with means will just buy/register their cars outside of the state.

the rich already do this with supercars. a lot of the super/hyper cars in Cali already have Montana plates.


to protest access to healthy food? so we’re just throwing shit at paintings for everything now

From what I understand the speed throttling only works if you are going forward. So this will just encourage more people to speed in reverse imo.


Im here for the IRL BLJs

I hate it… it’s probably a good idea.

That being said, if they do this, they should raise highway speeds in a lot of places.

Americans would rather risk being turned into a red mist than build a bullet train.

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heh the cali bullet train is such a good idea I really hope they choose to fucking truly finish the thing and connect SF to LA. Bakersfield to Merced is such a dumb route.

They wont. The one from LA to Vegas is a fantastic idea though and will get built. Unfortunately, it will still require a last 10 miles travel from end of the line to the strip, as well as about a 30 minute drive from LA to the station in Cali

Oh cool, so only a mile or two!



I think they will. They got the environmental clearance from SF to Palmdale done. I’m hoping once a train is actually running people will be like “fuck yeah I want that”

I assume we are taking per capita when saying highest.

Otherwise it’s California #1 in every category

I remember the introduction of light rail here in Utah. There was a lot of opposition. It was an immediate hit though and decades later is still popular and expanding. I’m going to ride it tomorrow. First time.


What’s interesting is how much more difficult it is to get people excited about having limited stop surface buses with dedicated street lanes and similarly protected platforms, even though the costs are much lower to build and maintain.

I guess light rail “seems” better and more reliable, even though reliability is mostly a function of scheduling.

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Had to do that to get the republicans and mod dems to agree because it helps the farmers and reduces traffic on the 5 argle bargle some other bullshit reasons.

Of course, all of these decisions were made long before the Democratic super-duper majority trifecta.

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California spent $400m just putting nets on the San Francisco bridge and $2m on a single toilet bathroom in a park… i’m guessing that a high speed bullet train is going to cost like a trillion.

And podcaster Charlie Kirk said this week that he had no choice but to be prejudiced against Black pilots because some of them have benefited from a DEI program. “I’m sorry, if I see a Black pilot, I’m going to be like, ‘Boy, I hope he’s qualified,’” Kirk said.

They are just letting random people fly planes now in the name of DIE.

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