2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune


Someone for the love of god explain to me people who back into their stalls at the grocery store! The fucking grocery store. Itā€™s legit serial killer behavior.


does stalls mean parking spaces? for me, its usually because of the angle where its easier to reverse park.

There is a legit argument that it is safer/easier. I donā€™t do it but I understand why other people do.

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I back in almost everywhere, but if itā€™s a crowded parking lot I donā€™t expect the people behind me to magically know my intentions.

You never know when youā€™ll need to make a quick escape! Also as said above, itā€™s generally easier.

Even serial killers gotta go to the grocery store, man.

No chance itā€™s easier. Nobody on earth backs in faster than they can pull in straight. Itā€™s ends up taking 5 times as long and blocks the lane the whole time.


Pro move is to find two lengthwise adjoining spots and pull through forward


People backing in anywhere when Iā€™m behind them enrages me, fuck you man just park

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Backing in is asshole behavior if itā€™s a busy parking lot.

Pulling through is dangerous if itā€™s a busy parking lot.

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I donā€™t parallel park much because I can sense the rage.

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Backing in in a grocery store lot makes even less sense as itā€™s much harder to load your shit into the trunk upon leaving.

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Thereā€™s some merit to the idea, especially if you drive a vehicle with a back up cam.

Backing out of a parking spot is precarious, no matter who careful you are.



Some people definitely think itā€™s easier.

The time saved pulling into a parking spot might be lost while backing out.

I put my groceries in the backseat.


Iā€™m pretty sure the actuaries say itā€™s much safer to back into parking spaces. I never do it.

Backing out sucks because I drive a small car, I usually have no idea if there is traffic coming. If someone doesnā€™t see my backup lights and is close to my side of the lane, Iā€™m hitting him. Driver or pedestrian. I prefer pulling through, I never back in for the reasons given.

I like parking lots with slanted stalls.

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Are we really saying stalls now, lol.

Feels like I have to mention that intelligent peeps always park on the perimeter, away from the idiots.



If the parking lot is quiet when Iā€™m parking, backing in is a freeroll because itā€™s super easy to back in, but if the parking lot is busy when Iā€™m leaving it will be much easier to exit the space.

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