2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

In theory, E. Jean Carroll could see 8 mermaids in her life!



There are a lot of people for whom Trump and McMahon are significant role models.

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If you aren’t defecating on your subordinate/sex slave’s head, have you really made it in life?

Only if you get some in her mouth.

Obligatory :vince1:



What the fuck is that guy talking about? “… they would have these nights in Russia or the Middle East”? Who is they? The Avalanche? Do the play exhibition games there or something?

He’s running

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His statement blends two absolutely standard conservative rhetorical tricks that are easily identified if you develop the social media literacy skills to pick up on them:

  1. Conservatives don’t want the government or any institution to ever do anything to help disadvantaged people. A simple and effective rhetorical trick is that if any institution ever does anything to help disadvantaged people, even if it is obviously and objectively a good thing to do, conservatives claim that they should NOT have done it because there was some other higher priority issue they should have dealt with first. But it’s all bullshit, they will make up an insincere “higher priority” for anything. It’s an effective trick that works on people with poor media literacy skills, which is only about 98% of people. (Note - a close cousin of this trick is to argue that the government should never do anything unless it completely solves the problem it proposes to address completely. If you trick people into accepting this standard, then no government action is ever a good idea.)
  2. It’s also a completely standard conservative head fake to directly state or imply that liberals don’t really care about the people that they claim that they want to help. This is a way to trick the low skill reader into worrying about the alleged insincerity of the liberals that want to actually help people, instead of focusing on the very obvious moral bankruptcy at the heart of modern conservatism. This also works on about 98% of people, because humans are hardwired so that the fear being deceived triggers a very strong emotional response.



Word has it they’re working on triple-fisted bacon cheeseburger.

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I put “triple fisted” into a Bing search and that image wasn’t the one that came up.




You can use the Copilot AI to “make it more triple fisted” until you are sufficiently satisfied with the results.

This post helpfully explains why liberals are so awful at political persuasion (even though every idea they have is unimpeachably right).

bing sucks, you gotta use google.

the other day i was at work and we needed some hardware part, so i search where the nearest home depot is. bring up maps and it says all the home depots are closed (it’s like 10am). i’m like wtf, boss says “try google” and yeah it turned out bing was just presenting me with false information

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Google store hour listings are somehow better than the stores own websites.

Bing is excellent for a particular genre of searching
